Dundo πŸ’œ πŸͺ©πŸ§™πŸ»β€β™‚️ Profile picture
Art with rhythm. Groover at @oshi_gallery. Helper at mus3learning. Digital things can be very real.

May 11, 2022, 8 tweets

#SkullNation. @CryptoSkulls!
CS #9857 has an #EDM single πŸ’€πŸŽ›οΈ. A BANGER!
Premieres this friday on spaces with @LeonidasNFT
Getting the song onto all platforms and into clubs is a journey we can and should take together.
#skullmusic #NFT journey, explained (1/7) 🧡

To get the track played & shared we need to build momentum - in 4 stages:
1: MusicNFT drop (Friday 13th) - 0.00666 ETH
2: #Skullshot 1/1s made for #musicNFT holders
3: All of your #skullshots on the music video + more
4: Distribution everywhere
I'll unpack this..

Part 1: #SkullMfkr MusicNFT drop - Friday, the 13th.
Song premieres in #skull #spaces.
666 editions
Price: 0.00accessible af
13-days to get one. Snapshot May 26.
If you collect one, and you have an og skull, we continue the journey together.


Part 2: #Skullshots
Your own personal 1/1 SkullMfkr #musicNFTs custom-made by Dundo.
Airdropped from May 26th
Your Skull, sync'd to the groove, forever, in the music video + more...
The example vid: #9857 #43 #70 #1756 #7486 #7777 #8293 #9505 (watch withπŸ”Š)
then cont.. (4/7)

Part 3: #SkullsInTheHouse
Music Video #NFT
1/1 NFT auction; 6d 6h 6m
50% to be transferred to SkullsDAO to use the funds for whatever the fuck Skulls community wants to do!
I will use the funds to promote the track and make more music!
... almost there...

Part 4: #SkullsInTheClub
From 13th June... #SkullMFKR will be on all major platforms - Spotify, Tidal, Apple....Music vidreleased - YT, IG...
Club-edit on BeatPort & Audius, avail for DJs.
Lots of NFT events coming...
Get the #SkullsIntoTheClub
it all ties in together.

At the end of this journey… another one begins!
To inspire more Skulls to create and spread the #skullish vibe.
CS #9857 just had some help to channel his badass skullishness!

Let’s get it, #SkullMfkrs.

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