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May 12, 2022, 11 tweets

I sooooooo want it to be that Igor Divyekin was a Crown asset all along... #Diveykin

Steele made it very clear to the FBI in October 2016 that it would not be feasible to approach Diveykin:


Diplomatic immunity.


Uh, he got a new job at the Duma.

When did he get this new job?

Uh, it hasn't been announced yet.


Steele's warning to back off Diveykin wasn't limited to the FBI:

"The new Duma position gave him diplomatic immunity, at least in the Russian government's eyes, making it more difficult for the USG or other foreign governments to detain or question him were he to travel abroad"

The FBI's "corroboration" for Steele's claim of diplomatic immunity for Diveykin is a United Nation's treaty from 1961.

Steele's memo suggested that Diveykin might think about traveling abroad, as part of his new duties as a so-called Duma-appointed charge d'affaires.

Did he?

"A chargé d'affaires is a diplomat who serves as an embassy's chief of mission in the absence of the ambassador. The term is French for 'charged with business', meaning they are responsible for the duties of an ambassador." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charg%C3%…

What does Diveykin look like, anyways?

Does he even exist?

We know Igor Sechin exists (the other guy who Carter Page supposedly met with in Russia).

Igor Divyekin...not so much.

@SergeiMillian, you know anything about an "Igor Diveykin"?

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