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📚 Exiles of Eden, Kitchen-Dweller’s Testimony | 🏆 Hurston/Wright, Whiting, Sillerman 🎥 Sam Underground, Ascendants, SOTS | @blueflowerarts

May 12, 2022, 22 tweets

1) This thread is as long as a CVS receipt. It details the harms and legal threats I’ve faced since Feb in Joe Penney’s attempt to steal or control my film work. It’s giving Cadillac Records but with no budget. Thru his unprompted apologies, you can see why I’ve been so stressed:

2) I found out the film #sunofthesoil was on Netflix through IG. I worked on it for $0 from 2017-2020 as a writer, co-director, and producer. I own 50% of this film. But I now need a lawyer to advocate for me as an investor and to eventually be paid. Joe also controls the socials

3) I believe #joepenney is also trying to steal over $33K of co-owned film equipment. It’s been in his possession since its purchase in Oct 2021, and he’s refused to sign a standard agreement to share it.

4) Joe Penney claims he’s the sole director of #sunofthesoil, despite the fact that I wrote its frame, shot lists, and was there to help execute them. I also contributed to edits, right down to the trailer. Here’s #joepenney saying he’ll revise the credits on 01/20/2022:

5) It was under pressure that I signed our rights and distribution agreements in 2020 and 2021. Fights broke out when I tried to speak up. I just wanted the film to do well, and gave in. Joe Penney doesn’t say I didn’t do a director’s work. He says that I signed contracts.

6) The star of the film Abdou Ouologuem has regularly participated in erasing my originating role in #sunofthesoil. He and Joe Penney both eventually created a hostile, sexist set and work relationship. Especially after I refused to deliver a Mansa Musa series script in 2021

7) In a Q&A on 01/21/22 Abdou reduced Black American history to "starting in slavery and poverty," an inaccurate, awful, anti-Black sentiment. I spoke up then but both men refused to release a team apology. Dr. Gomez already addressed this in #sunofthesoil

8) On 01/27/22, our distributor said she’d cancel the Netflix deal if Joe didn’t revise the credits. She cited poor optics, and was worried about her reputation. Joe told her that she’d signed a contract. She tried to help but I was facing a potential lawsuit so couldn’t answer.

9) In the cease and desist Joe Penney sent to silence me on February 14, 2022 💝 he claims I lied + MADE THREATS. He claims I’m manipulative. IMAX projector tings. Meanwhile, #joepenney tweets stuff like this:

10) #joepenney also said the “POLICE and a MENTAL INSTITUTION” should know that I’m “dangerous.” Think about what it means for him, who never correctly paired his Nikes w/ his socks a day in his life, to say this to a Black Muslim immigrant woman. I have rarely felt so unsafe.

11) Joe Penney claims he owns my Mansa Musa series outline and script, which I started in 2019. I was told he has legal rep in South Africa, where there may be interest in my work. He now claims he was “interested in Mansa Musa first,” + “taught me” who he was, where Mali is 🙄

12) Joe Penney claims he co-directed Sam, Underground featuring @CoJustsam How did he get a co-director credit instead of a DP credit? He put his name (and first) in Premiere, then submitted it minutes before deadline. This is Sam Diaz, my fave American Idol:

13) Here is a recording of Joe Penney on January 20, 2022 saying he’ll remove his co-director credit on Sam, Underground, release a statement, and inform Topic:

14) Joe Penney claims producer control over The Ascendants tho I pitched, had many admin duties on top of directing. I took much shit 2019-2021 cuz these films were in progress at the same time. I didn’t want to fail @jeandeauxmusic @akenyamusic @ChristianJaLon IG: oprah_gucci

15) Joe Penney refuses to sign a release to “Hermit 9,” J Bambii’s music video, which he did not direct or produce. This is the rest of J Bambii’s video addressing multiple projects (IG: oprah_gucci)

16) Joe Penney claims he co-directed another unreleased short Form & Flight but here he is giving me back my own work by email 01/24/22. So why won’t he sign the release for that film?

17) Finally, Joe Penney refuses to sign releases on my poetry videos that I directed and he filmed. Which??? I have been sighing for almost 4 months now.

18) On top of using a lawyer to silence me as he went back on his word, I was informed on 04/28/22 that #joepenney is claiming I’m ok with his thefts, and have an emotional fixation on him. 🤮 This is sexual harassment and I need it to stop. This is a terrible impact on my life.

19) It’s hard to listen back to my own upset voice but I’m so grateful to @jessybeshir and @aishajama especially for helping me recover my love for filmmaking and my trust in collaboration:

20) I’m calling all of you in as witness to amplify my voice, to witness abuses that are far too commonplace, and to help me keep control over films that I made *despite* the violences Joe Penney continues to enact. Thank you.

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