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When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor - Elon Musk | https://t.co/glwBmbkUrs | https://t.co/5Bce8O7DTs | 🇺🇸 𝕏 🇱🇧 |

May 12, 2022, 13 tweets

Why does a Law pertaining to Adjudicative Guidelines for Determining Eligibility for Access to Classified Information disappear from the Federal Register on January 5th, 2017?

What else happened on or around January 6th and why is it so important?


January 5th, 2017...

Following a briefing by IC [Comey, Clapper, Brennan]

Comey re: NSA Flynn & Russia

"could be an issue as it relates to sharing sensitive information."

This law disappearing from the Federal Register on January 5th, 2017 is very interesting to say the least...

The fact that this exact date coincides with Obama's IC meeting regarding NSA Flynn, Russia and the 2016 "Election Hack" is even more troubling.

January 4th, 2017...

Great thread Re: CROSSFIRE RAZOR

January 6th, 2017...

Jeh Johnson (DHS) designates Election Infrastructure (voting booths & machines) a Matter of National Security making the MACHINES & DATA proprietary & "Matters of National Security".

Entities within these sectors... work with us closely on [cybersecurity].

January 6th, 2017...

The Internet becomes fully Privatized (outside .mil TLD)

The last formal agreement between ICANN & NTIA ends on January 6th, 2017.

Obama could have extended it for any period through September 2019 but chose not to...



“The .mil & .gov space is protected by the [NSA] and Homeland Security Department, respectively,” Henry said. “There is nobody with the authority to protect .com. Each company is responsible itself for protecting its network.”

Shawn Henry of CrowdStrike

January 6th, 2017...

ODNI IC Assessment - Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections is released.

*Note - US Election(s)*

PLURAL because the WH announced the review would encompass malicious cyber activity related to US elections going back to 2008?

Interesting that DJT ReTruthed this post by J6Patriot just now...

See my Ericsson thread below for more connections.

This thread is a Marker for future connections.

Should give J6 an entirely new meaning once we're through...

For what's coming with Durham, Sussman & Joffe...

Intellectual Property is Key:

Solid breakdown of these two threads by @AdmetosL

Longer form Q&A:


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