Matt Macauley Profile picture
Associate Professor (Clemson) | AIMS Lecturer (South Africa) | Author: "Visual Algebra" (forthcoming) | YouTuber | First Gen | Homesteader | Dad to Ida & Felix

May 14, 2022, 13 tweets

I woke up a few days ago with the sobering realization: actually, I do NOT really understand groups actions.

Spoiler: I do now, but it took some work. And now I realize how incomplete my understanding was. 😳

Let me explain, I think some of you might enjoy this!

1/12 🧵👇

See those "orbit diagrams" above? I got to thinking: "how can we characterize all possible diagrams?" Equivalently, all transitive actions of D_4 (or a group G in general).

Playing around with things, I came up with a few more. But I still didn't know the answer. Do you?


For example, how many of the following are possible?

Before reading on, see if you can answer this, and generalize to arbitrary groups.

There's a simple elegant answer, that I was never aware of. And I suspect that the majority of people who teach algebra aren't either.


I was stumped, so I asked @chadgiusti, who is at the same conference as me, and who's teaching #VisualAlgebra this fall using these methods! 😍

It was fun to bat around some ideas, and I got new perspectives from him, but we still didn't have "clean answer."


But here's the key: in proving the orbit-stabilizer theorem, we exhibit a bijection between elements in the orbit, and (right) cosets of the stabilizer.

And stabilizers for elts in an orbit are conjugate.

I.e., each orbit corresponds to a conjugacy class of subgroups.


Now, the action of G on the (right) cosets of H can be realized in a (right) Cayley diagram by collapsing the *right* cosets of H.

In contrast, collapsing the *left* cosets results in the quotient G/H, but this only works if H is normal.


Do you see where I'm going with this? Could it possibly be that...every transitive group action (=1 orbit), is equivalent to...just collapsing by the right cosets of a group, namely the stabilizer???

Google, is this true??

OMG, I'm first aware of my 40s?!?



And that gives me a *fantastic* idea for a new visual! I made this one this evening by the pool in my South Florida hotel.

I now have an answer to my question in tweet #3 above, of which of those diagrams are possible.


My Chapter 4 is titled: "Maps Between Groups". This is basically "the theory of collapsing a diagram by LEFT cosets.

Chapter 5 is: "Group Actions". This is basically "the theory of collapsing a diagram by its RIGHT cosets". But only for normal subgroups.


And now I have new ideas for HW exercises! Here's the reduced subgroup lattice of D_6.

Exercise: construct the corresponding "lattice of transitive D_6 actions".

We've already seen one of them in this thread.


And next semester, I'm going to incorporate that into this HW problem, which you may remember from #Week10. Construct the action diagram, and find orbits, stabilizers, fixed points, etc.?


And that's my story of how I only came to finally "holistically understand" THIS WEEK what groups actions really are.

I love what @danaernst said when I texted him about it: "we don't know what we don't know!"

Anyone else realizing this for the first time today? 🙋‍♂️


CORRECTIOM: in tweet 9/12 above, I said “but only for normal subgroups”. That should have been in reference to taking a quotient (Ch 4 / collapsing left cosets) rather than Ch 5 / collapsing right cosets / defining an action.

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