Co-Founder, Chief Medical Officer @accomplishhlth | Obesity & Cardiometabolic Medicine | Clinical Incretinology | Healthcare Futurist

May 14, 2022, 5 tweets

Why is losing weight hard? Evolutionary adaptations to prevent starvation and death constrain weight loss. Conversely, hypothalamic inflammation can promote wt gain affecting the fxn of the homeostatic feedback system that constrains wt.
-Dr. Katherine Saunders #YWM2022Virtual

Weight Loss Goal? Not a number but a health improvement. With modern treatments, I would argue we should aim for 10% TBWL. #YWM2022Virtual

An example of a patient's AOM weight loss journey. Weight loss journeys should be realized over years as virtually no one gains all their weight in 3-6 months. Setting expectations early on is essential!! #YWM2022Virtual

Treatment Options #YWM2022Virtual

What's in the med pipeline? #YWM2022Virtual

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