Abhijit Majumder Profile picture
Journalist. Co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of https://t.co/M5QoPgUWs8

May 15, 2022, 5 tweets

A thread on the #Bengal situation right now.
In Malda, defiant Hindus allege that local police officials are pressuring them to get converted to Islam.
In Murshidabad, bombs were hurled on a Hari Naam Sankirtan rally.
Malda: 52% Muslim
Murshidabad: 67% Muslim

Why was the Hari Naam Sankirtan yatra allegedly stopped, bombed hurled, shots fired?
Apparently objection was raised because it was passing through a “Muslim area”. We have seen how overground jihad enablers in media and social media are trying to normalise that term. #Bengal

Look at #Bengal. Listen to bombs and gunshots.
TMC enables this to please votebank and terrorise opponents.
BJP stages dharna, candlelight vigils and asks why are the liberals silent.
Centres twiddles thumb.
Dhimmis clueless about the ground pontificate about ‘ganga-jamuni’.

#Bengal is headed for an administrative collapse. The police either enable the violence (check out Birbhum burnings), hide, or flee like this. Not just the state’s demography, the demography of the police and other institutions are also being systemically changed.

Bengal is on the brink. Such brutalities are aimed at ethnic cleansing of Hindus from places where demography has already been skewed.
If the Indian state continues to be a pussy, it will be “releev, galeev, ya chaleev” in #Bengal very, very soon. [5]

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