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May 17, 2022, 10 tweets

SCOOP: Last year, the School District of Philadelphia encouraged teachers to attend a transgender conference on “kink,” “BDSM,” “trans sex,” “bigger dick energy,” and “banging beyond binaries.”

I've obtained exclusive videos from the conference that will shock you. 🧵

Trans activist Chase Ross hosted a series of sessions on “packers,” “masturbation sleeves,” and “prosthetics for sex,” demonstrating a variety of dildos. “It’s a big boy. This is, like, gigantic,” he said during one demo. “Give me two hours alone and I’ll get this in my butt.”

Another session, “Trans Sex: Banging Beyond Binaries,” was led by Jamie Joy, a self-described “kinky,” “polyamorous,” “pretty big slut,” and Lucie Fielding, a self-described “white, queer, kinky, polyamorous, visibly able-bodied, Jewish, witchy, non-binary, trans femme.”

The women discussed various “kink” activities, including fetishes involving puppies, spanking, and Mary Poppins. They also suggested using new, trans-friendly language for genitalia, such as “front hole” and “back hole.”

In a discussion about adolescent gender transitions, Dr. Scott Mosser explained that he has performed “over two thousand top surgeries,” which involve removing girls’ breasts, and that there is no age limit for beginning the “gender journey.”

In a session called “Bigger Dick Energy,” two female-to-male trans activists, Kofi Opam and Sami Brussels, explained the process of phalloplasty and using an artificial penis for “navigating cruising and anonymous/casual sex life.”

Much of the conference, including the most graphic sessions on prosthetic penises and artificial ejaculation devices, was explicitly directed to minors, with one presenter saying “there’s no age limit, because I feel like everybody should be able to access certain information.”

The Mazzoni Center, which hosted the conference, received $5 million in taxpayer dollars last year and has worked with the school district on sex-health research and sexuality programs for students, and the district’s director of teacher leadership sits on Mazzoni’s board.

Here is the full story for City Journal:…

P.S. I'm working on an investigative series exposing gender ideology in American institutions. If you want to support this work, you can become a small monthly contributor here:

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