David Carroll 🦣 Profile picture
associate professor of media design at Parsons, subject of The Great Hack (2019) on Netflix, boardmember @checkmyadshq @fboversight, admin of https://t.co/Vt7rrEGFzb

May 19, 2022, 23 tweets

Explorations, Speculations, Processes, Bodies, Sounds
Our graduate symposium @parsons_dt is starting at 11:30am Eastern. Register here. (It’s online so I don’t know why @TheNewSchool has a waitlist set up for it.) event.newschool.edu/dt2022d #echoes22

here’s a direct link to the zoom webinar for the @parsons_dt symposium today starting soon newschool.zoom.us/j/98551779625?…

Here’s the schedule! parsons.edu/dt #echoes22

Sarita Sun ’22 shows her lidar photogrammetry models of Chinatown parsons.edu/dt-2022/the-ch…

Jiyoon Moon ’22 shows her web project that challenges the narrative of country music as a white art form parsons.edu/dt-2022/redefi…

Wesley Chau ’22 screens Eating My Data which deliciously explores DNA data storage technology, family history, food culture, and rice noodles. parsons.edu/dt-2022/eating…

Join us for the live discussion of these three works with Fields Harrington #echoes22 newschool.zoom.us/j/98551779625?…

Next Panel: Speculations begins now moderated by media artist Marina Zurcow o-matic.com

Excited for Salil Parekh’s Planetary Bureau whom I taught in the fall “what if the earth isn’t ours to decenter the human” parsons.edu/dt-2022/the-pl…

Ardak Mukanova ’22 presents Glyphs of Another World a project aims to build a digital myth inspired by the history of nomadic shamanism and ancient petroglyphs parsons.edu/dt-2022/glyphs…

More Ardak Mukanova ’22 Glyphs of Another World highlights from @parsons_dt symposium today #echoes22

Trailer for Ardak Mukanova’s Glyphs of Another World pulls this incredible MFA Design & Technology world building project together vimeo.com/660510026

Marina Zurkow: These three projects have all decentered the human in favor of another agency

(Ardak Mukanova ’22, Glyph 03, Glyphs of Another World, @parsons_dt thesis)

In “Love Letter from Earth to Neptune” Salil Parekh ’22 imagines the earth supports life for its own purpose: to construct a magnetic signature with which to send a love letter to another planet.

From The Planetary Bureau theplanetarybureau.com/posts/planetar… #echoes22

Next Panel on Processes is live with Mattie Brice newschool.zoom.us/j/98551779625?…

Billy Ho ’22 showcases poetics of machine generated texts in a gorgeous installation parsons.edu/dt-2022/are-yo… #echoes22

Daniel Navarez ’22 presents his game “Boricuas” a 2D platformer that aims to achieve Puerto Rican cultural representation in a video game through revelation
parsons.edu/dt-2022/projec… #echoes22

Next panel is live: Bodies + the Internet moderated by Joanne McNeil starting with @iraqinancyajram (with TW) newschool.zoom.us/j/98551779625?…

A discreet wearable helps a victim tally the times they are feeling gaslit by their abuser, @iraqinancyajram considers the perils of stalkerware in the context of abusive relationships
parsons.edu/dt-2022/memory… #echoes22

Taylor Paydos ’22 explores consent and online bodies in a series of experimental websites that consider gestures of tracing bodies parsons.edu/dt-2022/traces/

Livia Foldes ’22 “Sex Workers Built The Internet”
Now LIVE newschool.zoom.us/j/98551779625?…

Livia Foldes describes choice to avoid nudity to make sure there was no excuse to avoid discussion of sex work in internet studies because these folks who built the internet risk being erased because we don’t know how to talk about it appropriately. parsons.edu/dt-2022/sex-wo…

Follow @liviatronic and the decodingstigma.tech project for more on how not to ignore the sexworkers who built the internet. Listen to @jomc moderate a discussion on these three works on the zoom live now.

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