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Working to end abortion by electing leaders & passing #ProLife laws, with a special calling to promote pro-life women | Follow @MarjorieSBA @LozierInstitute🤰👶

May 19, 2022, 6 tweets

🧵 WISCONSIN - 2022 Midterms Update:

Our Wisconsin team has visited more than 160,000 homes to ensure voters know what's at stake in the 2022 midterms and to urge them to vote for LIFE.



“I didn’t know that, & I don’t support it”

One man identifies as pro-choice, but didn’t know science has shown a baby in the womb can feel pain from as early as 12 weeks & will remember that when he votes. He doesn't support late abortion.


Alycia and Beth are visiting voters in Wisconsin, urging them to vote for life. They spoke with Jennifer: She and her husband adopted some of their children and are preparing to be foster parents again. They are 100% pro-life.


Hailey met a Wisconsin family who thanked her for sharing info so voters know the positions candidates take on abortion.

They used to be Democrats, but after learning what extremist Democrats support, including abortion on demand, they could no longer vote for them.


Troy spoke to Denise, who worked in the NICU for over 10 years. She told Troy that she encourages everyone who has doubts about the question of life to look at the NICU – there is no doubt these are babies from conception until birth, whether they be full term or premature.


“You’re talking to a woman who was told that her daughter had a 1% chance of living and still said ‘no, I am keeping my child!’”

Bonnie is a #ProLife Wisconsinite who was happy to share her story with Monica.

Her daughter is now 42 & has a child of her own.


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