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May 20, 2022, 6 tweets

1/ $JOE is a Token that works hard for you ✨

You can use $JOE in multiple ways, both on the platform and via our Partner's platforms...Want to stake $JOE and earn up to 360% APR?

Dive into the offerings from our #JOEWARS Partners 👇

2/ @vector_fi

Vector is the leading yield boosting protocol on #Avalanche

Earn up to 110% APR staking zJOE

Rewards paid in both $JOE + $VTX

zJOE is trading at a discount so you can Trade $JOE for zJOE on the JOE Platform and get an extra 14% 💪

3/ @steakhut_fi

SteakHut launched recently and is utilizing high yields to incentivize stakers

Earn up to 359% APR staking hJOE

Rewards paid in $STEAK

hJOE is currently not tradable, the only way to access hJOE is by converting $JOE Tokens on the SteakHut Platform

4/ @yieldyak_

The premier auto-compounder offers a pure staking option

Earn up to ~60% APR paid out in $JOE

yyJOE is tradable and is currently on a significant discount.

Every 1 $JOE Traded will give you 1.67 yyJOE ...

Want to compound $JOE rewards? this is a good option 👍

5/ @beefyfinance

Beefy provides two $JOE Staking options

Earn up to 36% APY compounding $JOE rewards


Earn up to 32% APR Paid out in $JOE

This is the only compounding $JOE Vault option, so if you want to Stake and not have to collect rewards, this is the product for you!

6/ @FrankVeFarmer

Last option, coming soon ...

A unique offering: NFT Bonds

Mint an NFT with $JOE and receive weekly rewards paid out from sJOE and veJOE Boosted Farms

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