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May 21, 2022, 14 tweets

"Carter Page provided an April 15, 2013, briefing document authored by Russian trade diplomat, Ksenia Yudaeva, on Russia’s priorities for a summit of the 20 richest countries in the world to be held in St. Petersburg in September 2013." time.com/5132126/carter…

"According to published reports, the FBI obtained a first FISA warrant to eavesdrop on Page’s electronic communications during 2013."


Link goes to the infamous April 11, 2017, Washington Post article authored by Nakashima, Barrett, and Entous.

But, bad as the Post can be, there's no mention of a 2013 FISA on Carter Page in here...


Anyway, this rumor didn't get very far. Made its way to cable tv and a few people in congress, but that's about it. (Maybe Lisa Page and Andy McCabe killed the rumor?)

Man, I don't remember this at all. #Turkmenistan time.com/5132126/carter…

James Richard, a name not often mentioned.

Was co-founder of Global Capital Energy LLC, along with Carter Page.

(Also, this is a Fusion GPS article, so count on it that Mr. Richard was harassed by Berkowitz or some other schmuck.)


Interesting observation about James Richard.

I know who this editor is. That's Bill Finan of Brookings.

James Richard's hedge fund, Firebird Fund L.P., is apparently the second longest-registered hedge fund in the Cayman Islands, only behind III Capital Management ('III" is pronounced "Triple Eye") web.archive.org/web/2015090709…

Getting some chicanerous vibes from this supposed guy, James Richard. Seems like a fake persona.

Only claim to fame is some sporadic late 90's - early 00's articles on energy and oil, and his supposed mega-hedge fund in the Cayman Islands. An internet ghost otherwise, it seems. archive.ph/9Bs1G

2004 SEC filing with him and his buddies. sec.gov/Archives/edgar…

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