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Gposer · SFW, Mod-free FFXIV virtual photography · Leon & Louise Aquitaine @ Famfrit | #GPosingway Maintainer | 🇺🇸 🇧🇷

May 21, 2022, 6 tweets

Starter GPose hints: ChromaKey, transparent screenshots

Want to pose together with friends across data centers, or characters in the same account? Or maybe you just want a nice cut-out picture; transparent chromakey shots are here to save the day!

#ffxiv #gpose #gposeguide

You can achieve this with a combination of two features in gpose:

- ChromaKey2, a technique that generates a greenscreen; and
- "Take Transparent ChromaKey screenshots", a GShade setting.

The result is a screenshot with transparent areas where the chromakey effect was shown!

(Make sure that the Chromakey color matches the 'Keying color' setting!)

Now it's time to combine images: You'll need an external program able to handle layers, like GIMP. You may also need to make some adjustments to make the colors look right.

Transparent chromakeyed images can be used in several different situations! For example, I used some to make the GShade pipeline tutorial.

What about reference cards for art commissions?

Or maybe stickers with your friends. Or Discord emotes. Or whatever strikes your fancy. The sky's the limit!

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