Philobster | L.J. Profile picture
Occupy Mercury

May 22, 2022, 6 tweets

[1/6] Here is a list of my most recent & best graphics about how in #Alchemy (chemistry of mental archetypes) is the #TheoryOfEverything:
1. Teach & Learn: The acquisition of knowledge is a zero point from which one can move into ignorance in two directions
2. Classical Alchemy

3. Realities: Why every scientific species will observe an organic reality.
4. Structures: static, organic, chaotic, and constructed order
5. Laws of Evolution: why only organic evolutionary chains work.
6. Mathematical construction of the Philosopher's Stone

7. Concepts of Gender & Mass Control
8. Political visions: Roots of the Conflict of Visions between political left and right
9. Socialism & Capitalism / Self-defense, gun ban & totalitarian enslavement
10. Inverted evaluations of the political wings

11. Different perspectives on the archetypal political spectrum; political triangle
12. Nature of the state: create conflicts & destroy cultures
13. Archetypes of morals: static, organic, chaotic morality
14. Four meta planes from the mental base to a manifested order

15. States of Mind: depression, fear, brave, calm, active, passive, etc.
16. Mathematical structure of the Cube of Mind #blackCube #whiteCube
17. Archetypal Spectrum of Mind
18. Cycle of life: left & right hand path #LHP #RHP

19. Paths of enlightened minds: left/right hand path & the path of neutrality
20. Eternal cycle of subconscious life. rise->fall->death->repeat, until life becomes conscious
21. Left & right hand path and its evolutionary consequences
22. Duality in large & small scale

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