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Sep 20th 2022
Take note of this repulsive example of #CdnMediaFailed by @noneandonly, writing for @YahooNews. She quotes lying toxic far right disinformation accounts & spreads it across #Yahoo’s platform. @YahooNews @CanadianPress @VICE @ElleCanada, is the the kind of garbage you support? ImageImageImageImage
#PMJT was not “drunk”, @noneandonly is also an example of a “writer” pushing inauthentically amplified malignant accounts. This is yet another coordinated media attack, attempting to manufacture a scandal. Take a look at the lying accounts Elianna Lev & @YahooNews is quoting. ImageImage
In case you don’t know the name, Elianna Lev also quotes Vivian Bercovici. You may not know that name. She’s a far right former Harper appointee extremist, friend of Subramanya, who did covert ops for Netanyahu (& later #BlackCube) while being paid by 🇨🇦. .
Read 4 tweets
May 22nd 2022
[1/6] Here is a list of my most recent & best graphics about how in #Alchemy (chemistry of mental archetypes) is the #TheoryOfEverything:
1. Teach & Learn: The acquisition of knowledge is a zero point from which one can move into ignorance in two directions
2. Classical Alchemy ImageImage
3. Realities: Why every scientific species will observe an organic reality.
4. Structures: static, organic, chaotic, and constructed order
5. Laws of Evolution: why only organic evolutionary chains work.
6. Mathematical construction of the Philosopher's Stone ImageImageImageImage
7. Concepts of Gender & Mass Control
8. Political visions: Roots of the Conflict of Visions between political left and right
9. Socialism & Capitalism / Self-defense, gun ban & totalitarian enslavement
10. Inverted evaluations of the political wings ImageImageImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Aug 12th 2021

What's the deeper meaning behind it all?

Follow the white rabbit through this maze connecting art, Jeffrey Epstein, the illuminati, possible dimensional portals and... escape rooms?
This rabbit hole actually leads to more topics than just this thread, a part 2 will be needed

After reading this thread keep your eyes peeled for these symbols and feel free to send me any connections you make on your own
It started when I saw a commercial for the movie Escape Room 2: Tournament of Champions

I noticed the white and black checkerboard floor and the black cube

The characters are in a bank called "Illuminus Bank"

The black cube image is also placed over lower Manhattan ImageImageImageImage
Read 111 tweets
Jun 5th 2021
#DAZN #Matchroom
#disruption #sport
#Legacy v's #PurePlay specialists

This week #EddieHearn announced the worst kept secret in sports broadcasting - He's taking his show, Lock Stock, to Mr #Blavatnik first-mover streaming service.

#Thread with a different perspective...🧐 ImageImageImageImage
This is exciting for #Sports fans - Especially #boxing

Lower cost access
More shows
Bigger production

Interesting, it's announced a week after #SundayTimes named the owner of #DAZN as the richest man in the UK (again)!

That rich list is an good starting point to explore Image
We're living through changing times;


What's that got to do with #DAZN & #Sport 🤔

Well, Sport & #Entertainment is big business 💰

It's also used by powerful people to influence Hearts & Minds...
#Sportswashing ImageImage
Read 17 tweets
Jun 24th 2020
Ehud Barak & Les Wexner officially named in underage rape lawsuits. Epstein trafficked underage girls to these men and the corrupt media & law enforcement protected them for decades. About time these criminals get exposed.
#UnsealEpstein ImageImage
Ehud Barak was caught sneaking into Epsteins townhouse in NY in 2015 and claims he "never met Epstein in the company of women or young girls"… Image
The Wexner Foundation (directed by Epstein) donated $2.4 MILLION to Ehud Barak in 2004 for undisclosed 'research'

This massive donation fits the timeline that Virginia Guifree was being trafficking by Epstein to Barak and Wexner.… Image
Read 7 tweets
Jul 23rd 2019
Mogilevich 👉🏼Firtash (Manafort)👉🏼Tchenguiz👉🏼Nix👉🏼Mercer👉🏼Bannon👉🏼Flynn👉🏼TrumpCampaign


Cambridge Analytica’s exploitation of private data from 87 million Facebook users is a significant piece of the conspiracy to defraud the US, UK French (?) electorates.
I haven’t seen any definitive reporting linking Brannon’s Far R The Movement & the use of CA, to help elect Le Pen, but it isn’t a stretch to imagine it was likely used to assist the right-wing effort to disaggregate the EU. 
#MacronLeaks & TeamTrump
Read 85 tweets
Jul 14th 2019
#Privacy #Cyber #Journalists: Do a little googling on who is and who was, linked to this Israeli company Carbyne also known as "Reporty" and where some of their people are working now and why. #Epstein #Theil #Barak #BlackCube #ErikPrince…
Peter Thiel built Palentir the old relational database software they used to hunt terrorists. Owns a piece of Carbyne.…
Read 6 tweets
Mar 21st 2019
A New Age of Warfare: How Internet Mercenaries Do Battle for Authoritarian Governments…
NSO Group, Mr. al-Qahtani spoke of grand plans to use its surveillance tools throughout the Middle East and Europe, like Turkey and Qatar or France and Britain.…
Today even the smallest countries can buy digital espionage services, enabling them to conduct sophisticated operations like electronic eavesdropping or influence campaigns that were once the preserve of major powers like the United States and Russia.…
Read 37 tweets
Feb 12th 2019
Speaking of crazy stories about former Israeli intelligence agents…the one about citizenlab nabbing a bumbling former agent in a sting op that turned the tables…
Hacking elections means different things to different people. That said, are we starting to see the pattern? And the same names keep popping up. It's rather peculiar that way. For example, Nigeria.…
Read 3 tweets
Dec 23rd 2018
@ari_antoine @maitepagaza Claro, x eso se ensalza #NAZIonalismo #Razista #Supremacista #Egoista #Excluyente fundamentado en la DIFERENCIA con el VECINO y en producir TENSIONES y CONFLICTOS incluso BÉLICOS como en #Balkanes o #Ukrania o el q venimos padeciendo #ETA y a punto reventar en #España VERDAD?
@ari_antoine @maitepagaza Por eso quiénes están detrás son justamente #Rusia #China

#ISISRsEl y #USA verdad?
XQ quieren q seamos más fuertes contra ellos, no?

Claro.x eso nos empujan a #GuerraCivil y #Balkanizacion para estar tan UNIDOS como #ExYugoslavia o #Ukrania

Sois vendidos #Elite #NWO #Dugin
@ari_antoine @maitepagaza Vamos a ver sí te enteras un poquito, o mejor, a ver sí dejas de intentar engañar

#Salvini CERDO #Sionista #NazBol aliado d #Putin y #Trump pertenece al Club #Ambrossiano el pequeño #Bilderberg ITALIANO y es habitual d las fiestas/recepciones #Rothschild trabaja #Destruir #UE
Read 20 tweets
Sep 16th 2018

Booh: “Manafort is the Hub

📌6/9/16 TT meet w/ RIS to get ‘dirt’
📌Stone, Firtash, Assange
📌US Lobbying / PR Firms / Journalists / Propaganda / Black ops
📌 Deripaska, Kilimnik,Kislyak
📌Barrack, Pence, Devine
📌Cambridge Analytica ->Bannon, Rebekah Mercer” etc

📌Manafort admits laundering $30M related to Ukraine work

📌M worked 4 murderous dictators 4 decades

📌Manafort Pleads Guilty, Agrees to Cooperate w/ Mueller

Manafort Plea Deal Casts New Scrutiny on Lobbyists He Recruited
📌#Podesta Group

NRA Show Puts Thomas the Tank Engine in White Hood to Criticize Diversity Move😱

📌The FBI has obtained wiretaps of a Putin ally Torshin tied to the NRA who met w/ DonJr during the campaign

📌AU Zamel linked to SC probe re August 2916 meeting w/ DonJr. #Wikistrat
Read 60 tweets
Aug 1st 2018

45 eased PBO RU sanctions to allow companies to do business w/ RU’s FSB, successor org to KGB

Let that sink in.

“Let’s be 1000% clear: if you worked w/ a hostile foreign power during your election, it's called TREASON.”

Schiff links 45 to the Mccaskill hacking


Mueller can examine if a member of the Trump campaign & the RUs were “colluding,” & thus working together “in violation of US law.” In other words, according to DAG, collusion would be a crime.

:Former GOP Gov Christine Todd Whitman to Trump: “Step down”

Evidence in the possession of Mueller, incl highly confidential WH records & testimony by some of Trump’s own top aides, provides the strongest evidence to date implicating 45 in obstruction of justice.

LB: “Manafort is a made man. He was born to die in prison”
Read 83 tweets
Jul 26th 2018

Meadows & Jordan introduce a resolution calling for the impeachment of DAG Rosenstei

Trump must face Emoluments suit re DC hotel profits.

“Emoluments” could apply to 45 that cd cover any bus trans w/ foreign gov’t where 45 derived a “profit, gain or advantage.”

Blumenthal: “Secretary Pompeo (Sunflower)is flippant, even belligerent, in evading & interrupting my colleagues’ questions. It has been 9 days since the Helsinki Summit & still no answers.”

Did Trump propose paying ‘cash’ for Karen McDougal’s story?

Emoluments lawsuit against Trump includes profits from private trans, even those involving services given or traded at fair market value.

BBC to Sean Spicer: "You have corrupted discourse for the entire world by going along with these lies
Spicy’s sad legacy
Read 66 tweets
Jul 18th 2018
‼️Missed Detail‼️

Trump is telling the TRUTH for once.

RU was NOT the ONLY hostile foreign nation that interfered with the 2016 elex.

In addition to RU, Israel, SA, NK & China (&?) also interfered with our 2016 Elex.

#BlackCube #PsyGroup #CASCL…

Israeli Intelligence Company Formed Venture With Trump Campaign Firm Cambridge Analytica
Psy-Group is owned by entrepreneur Joel Zamel, who has been questioned by special-counsel investigators…

Trump Jr. and Other Aides Met With Gulf Emissary Offering Help to Win Election…
Read 11 tweets
Jul 16th 2018

‘Warning Lights Are Blinking Red,’ US DNI Says of RU Attacks

45 adds EU to list of foes, alongside China & Russia

U.K. Poisoning Inquiry Turns to GRU the RU Agency in M’s Indictments

Bolton (Traitor) vs Warner (Patriot) on extraditing 12 indicted RUs

Trump said he would raise the subject of 12 RU indicted for alleged hacking during the 2016 US Elex but "hadn't thought" about asking for their extradition.🙄🙄🙄

Trump said that "nothing bad" & "maybe some good" would come out of the encounter with Putin.

It’s a Really, Really, Really Bad Idea to Meet Alone w/ Putin

GOP in cahoots with the NRA want to put guns & other weapons in the hands of 5 year olds! Seriously, GOP want to lower the age limits for gun—craven greed & wantoncray have overtaken the GOP.
Read 55 tweets
Jul 7th 2018
La société #israel-ienne "Black Cube" aurait espionné des ONG et des proches de George #Soros avant les dernières élections en #Hongrie. Ses informations auraient ensuite été utilisées par Viktor #Orbán pour discréditer l'opposition…
"Black Cube", souvenez-vous, est cette agence basée en #Israel employée jadis par Harvey Weinstein pour espionner ses accusatrices
#Hongrie #Orban
Le scoop sur l'implication des espions israéliens de #BlackCube dans les élections en #Hongrie tombe à point: le Premier ministre Viktor #Orban est attendu en #Israel le 18 juillet…
Read 3 tweets
Jul 7th 2018

Go have some fun this weekend!

Trump attacks US journalists, Senators, former POTUS’and Mocks #MeToo. What About Putin? ‘He’s KGB’ ‘He’s Fine’

Giuliani demands proof 45 committed a crime b/4 Trump will agree to an interview. Mueller is licking his chops!

Trump lands in EU next week amid fears that he will blow up a key summit focused on EU’s defense & then offer concessions to NATO’s main adversary in Putin.

US Reaches $1.53 Million Dollar Settlement with Defense Contractor to Resolve Contract Claim

Chinese hackers breach ANU, putting national security at risk

The energy sector can become a driving force for constructive development of Russian-US ties, says Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak after meeting with Mnuchin & Rick Perry.😱WTF?
Read 52 tweets
May 27th 2018
You may want to follow @haaretzcom, if you don't already. 😉 #tRUmpRussia #BlackCube #PsyGroup #Zamel #Broidy…
They were dropping the goods on #Papadopoulos last year:

Trump campaign adviser who pled guilty to lying to FBI has surprising ties to Israeli settlers…
"But during his time in the energy arena, Papadopoulos wrote Op-Ed pieces in Israeli news outlets - including one in Haaretz - arguing that Israel should cooperate w/Greece & Cyprus in its development of the Tamar and Leviathan gas fields and avoid excessive cooperation w/Turkey"
Read 19 tweets
May 26th 2018

DonJr: damning SIGINT chatting w/ Putin’s Romanov & Torshin &, NRA’s sugar daddy.

R refers to T as “El Padrino,” the godfather.”

Grassley: DonJr must testify again; news refutes his earlier testimony.

Vekselberg met with Cohen & 🐢 @ TT 1 day before Seychelles meet.

🌟Bots loving Trump & hating HRC affected 3.23% of vote, enough to affect EC & swing Elex. #Illegitimate

Cohen used Trump Org email to contact flipped Taxi King😂

J-Ass wants to chat w/ Schiff.

RU Inflamed the divide re Immigration

Weinstein arrested on rape chgs

RU Oleg Ivannikov person of interest re downing of MH17

UK enacts the Magnitsky Act, Queen gives her blessing.

Trump & Sessions ICE is separating children as young as 53 weeks old from parents. 😱

Cohen is still RNC Deputy Finance Chair🤷‍♀️GOP feature not bug?
Read 54 tweets
May 7th 2018
Thread : 1. Right after the report published in the #Observer, I asked the #BlackCube spokesman if Black Cube is in fact the Israeli firm. His answer (yesterday morning) was : "Not related to us".
2. @lrozen tweeted here yesterday that it is confirmed the Israeli firm in question is #BlackCube. He denied again. "BS, It's not us". I reported his denial here.
3. This morning, after @RonanFarrow 's publication in the @NewYorker , his version changed: "We didn't know the @guardian meant us. We didn’t know it was us because this report was about #Trump. But then we saw the emails reported by the New Yorker and we know those emails."
Read 4 tweets
May 7th 2018
Black Cube operatives hired by Trump aides contacted the wives of both @ColinKahl & @brhodes, former Obama aides who worked on the Iran deal. The only way Trump can "win" is by "getting dirt" on his opponents & either smearing or blackmailing them.
Rhodes: This represents a troubling situation, in which public servants are being targeted for their work in govt. "This eviscerates any norm of how govts should operate or treat their predecessors & their families. It crosses a dangerous line."
In May 2017, "Trump officials" reached out to private Israeli intelligence firm Black Cube, which also ran dirty ops for Cambridge Analytica, whose co-founder is then-WH chief STRATEGIST, Steve Bannon, a "Trump official."
Read 7 tweets

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