Amjad Ali- Teacher, Trainer, Speaker Profile picture
SLT & Consultant/Speaker Deliver INSET&CPD Collate FREE T&L Toolkit @TryThisTeaching CoFounder of @bameednetwork #BAMEed Pre-Order my book now- link below

May 23, 2022, 10 tweets

As Year 11 continue their exams and other years might be gearing up towards their end of year assessments/tests… here are some retrieval tasks you can use to help them remember! 🧵

Firstly it’s worth underpinning all of your retrieval tasks on the understanding on how memory works/forgetting occurs.
Teach your students too.…

This by @Doug_Lemov is very helpful to gain insight! #RevisionIdeas22

Getting students to just write down revision notes isn’t as useful as making them “do” something with their expected knowledge.
Edit this template to make it subject specific & get them to populate from memory!…

Have you annoyed past papers/tests and explained exactly how long students have per question? Section? What skills are covered in each? Check this out!… Amend and share!

Keep the way you share information with students on “How To” simple and memorable- try this?…


Here’s my blog on memory and retrieval-…

Packed full of ideas! #RevisionIdeas22

Used this when students returned after lockdown to assess their confidence levels… try this before their tests/exams?…


Some other ideas here-

Check them out #RevisionIdeas22

Some keywords I’d use to search my toolkit include

Revision Clock
Scrabble Tiles
Do You Remember
Challenge Grid
Plenary Grid
Knowledge Dump

All useful retrieval tasks that can be used for revision!

Get students to help each other. Structure it.
Students to write list of topics they feel confident & less confident in. Leaving their initials at the bottom
Students then seek out the person who wrote they are confident in the area their not! #RevisionIdeas22

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