Keynote Speaker. Trust Training&Inclusion Lead. Author. Founder of FREE T&L Toolkit @TryThisTeaching. CoFounder of @BAMEedNetwork #BAMEed
Jan 23, 2023 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
As RSL I get EVERY single year 11 to complete a Post Mock Action Plan.
I then meet EVERY single one of them to go through it.
I then signpost more efficient/effective methods to revise.
The best one I share for memorisation is…
The Leitner System; full explanation here with references.
Plus a link to a PowerPoint to use!
As Year 11 continue their exams and other years might be gearing up towards their end of year assessments/tests… here are some retrieval tasks you can use to help them remember! 🧵
Firstly it’s worth underpinning all of your retrieval tasks on the understanding on how memory works/forgetting occurs.
Teach your students too.
A THREAD to help you get AND keep students back/on task without getting into a debate/confrontation/argument....
Try This...
Firstly before speaking, expect and wait for silence.
Make it a mutual thing. When you talk, silence, when they talk, others are silent. (When your TA talks to the class, silence). Work on it. Routine based. Get over the bumps, but make it a minimum expectation... then...
Sep 24, 2020 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
THREAD. This year as Raising Standards Lead ive taken over the running of Parents/Carers’ evenings. Here is a thread about running virtual video/ evenings and what I have learnt. Maybe helpful to others who will have to do this...
Firstly update your website and make clear all evenings will be virtual. Add details about the platform you have chosen and system requirements.
Think about getting a digital access survey out to find out how accessible a virtual evening will be...
Sep 11, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I don’t mean for this to sound like I’m a kill joy etc. But society has accepted vegetarians / vegans. But still kinda look at us non alcohol drinkers as weird. Especially when the Friday night chill out doesn’t involve wine or gin... just remember some of us...
Can’t drink or choose not to drink. And that’s ok! As ok as it is that you choose to drink. :) 💕
Aug 26, 2020 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
When somebody is highlighting their plight/difficulty/issue, it’s *NEVER* the right time to say, but what about...
Stand in solidarity, show support, then raise your action too. Together is better than also.
I could have been better at this in the past and I have learnt. I will try to be better in the future.
Aug 16, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Happy Bday to my mum.
She’s taught me everything in life. I still have so many areas I need to improve on/with.
Here are some of the more important ones.
Love your neighbours.
Offer help/support wherever you can.
Never worry about giving away your food/drink to others who need it more.
Keep your family together.
Charity is more than raising money.
Love your religion, culture and heritage.
Involve yourself in others lives.
Aug 7, 2020 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Today will be a scorcher.
Here are some ways to remain cool throughout the day and upcoming evening.
Firstly, keep your curtains shut in rooms upstairs, prone to get lots of sunlight, that will prevent the room from heating up....
If you can use a fan, place a washing up bowl of iced water in front of it. To ensure the air that’s being circulated is cool...
Aug 3, 2020 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
I’m moving out of my first home today into my second home. I am so grateful to Allah for providing us with the opportunities to be able to do so. I am so appreciative to all that have believed in me to come and work at their institutions. I am so happy. Please send positivity.
I grew up in a house, with my siblings, in an area, notorious for being “rough.” I grew up happy, supported and the community spirit was amazing. I will never let anybody tell me my area was “horrid/scary” etc. But US locals do joke about making it “out.”
Jul 13, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
However you write your to do lists. It’s a extremely productive thing to do. I’ve blogged about what the best methods are. See next tweet.
THREAD- A personal one about what “far right” views actually mean, to me. A person of colour, a BAME individual.
Firstly, I’ve “suffered” direct and indirect racism ALL my life. Longer than I even know people were being racist. It started from as early as I can remember; primary school- do you want to work in a corner shop like your dad? No. He works in a factory.
Nov 29, 2018 • 9 tweets • 1 min read
THREAD about shortcuts/tips and tricks to do with PowerPoint and Google Slides.
Cntrl C = Copy
Cntrl V = Paste
Cntrl D = Duplicate selected item. (Much quicker.)
Press Select and Cntrl G= Groups items to cut/paste/copy/duplicate together.
Cntrl E = centre justifies text in selected shapes
Cntrl L = left justify
Cntrl R = right justify
Nov 10, 2018 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
Thread: Here are my top tips to having a controlled and calm classroom.
Routines- establish a way of doing EVERYTHING. From entering to leaving to handing out workaheets, books, etc. There should be a procedure.
DNA- every lesson should begin with one. A do now activity.
This should usually be a talking or thinking one, as the books are being handed out. I always ask 5/6 people to hand out 5/6 books each so the books are handed out quickly.
As soon as you get your book, have a task to do.
Oct 7, 2018 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Thread about Retrieval- a thread explaining one way you can do it. Hopefully, low effort. It is high impact!
Start every lesson with a RECALL check. Don’t call it RECAP- that implies you reminding. Recall suggests them, the students brining back knowledge. Check. Not a test.
Check, as you don’t take in scores and log them. High frequency. Low stakes.
All checks have the same format and same structure. To enable routine based learning and allow you to then start your lesson.