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May 23, 2022, 13 tweets

We must also prepare for the far right to spread fabricated claims about violence from the left when the decision overturning Roe is released. They do this to create a pretext for & deflect from their own violence. See, eg, their bogus claims about “Antifa.” 1/

Roger Stone protege Jack Posobiec is likely to help lead this spread of disinformation from the far right, as he has done before re: “Antifa” and other issues. Watch for it. 2/…

Here are some of Posobiec’s “greatest hits.” We must anticipate more #PosobiecLies when Roe is overturned & be prepared to counteract them. Pls use my article if it helps. 3/




7/ More #PosobiecLies. He is gawdawful & prolific.

8/ More #PosobiecLies. He has over 1.5 M Twitter followers & has large followings on other social media platforms too. He worked as a fake (bad faith) “correspondent” for OANN & is a frequent guest on Bannon’s podcast. He’s been on the Alex Jones show too.

9/ Another example of how #PosobiecLies.

10/ As I said, Posobiec is a Roger Stone protege.


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