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Football Enthusiast & Arsenal fan | Covering Danish Football in depth | Views are my own | DMs are open.

May 24, 2022, 8 tweets

📊🇩🇰As the Danish Superliga has come to its ends. I'll post some interesting stats from this season. I'll start with teams. #sldk

⏺️Pressing in the Superliga:
🔸AGF by far the best pressing team in the league.
🔸OB went from an average pressing side to close 2nd. Something to build on.
🔸Silkeborg not a pressing side, however they've not needed it.

⏺️Chance creation vs. Defensive stability:
🔸FCK unmatched in terms of all around performance.
🔸Midtjylland close 2nd, gap to FCK in terms of def. is significant though, 7.8 more xGA.
🔸Viborg 3rd best chance creating team.

⏺️Chance creation vs. Efficiency (corrected version)
🔸Infamous trio of FCK, FCM & SIF lethal chance creators and efficient.
🔸Viborg an outlier – good offensive but not efficient enough.
🔸AGF relegation level of chance creation.

📊🇩🇰A look at player data from the 21/22 Danish Superliga campaign and some interesting takeaways #sldk

⏺️Defensive vs. Progressive actions for central midfielders
🔸Mark Brink the most progressive midfielder.
🔸Pedro Ferreira's defensive numbers are very good.
🔸Thrándarson should be targeted by top teams. His versatility is not easy to find.

🔸Christian Sørensen in his own league in terms of creativity.
🔸Vallys outperforming his xA significantly.

⏺️Strikers and efficiency
🔸Helenius and Prip outperforming their xG significantly, clinical forwards.
🔸Indications that Makaric will prove to be a great asset for AAB in front of goal.
🔸Vallys with a good goal-tally but could've still amassed a higher total.

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