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The Behind Labour Team investigates endemic corruption of all kinds within and behind the Left here in the UK & beyond. Your career is our playground. 😁

May 24, 2022, 15 tweets

🧵1/15 Wondering where the #FordeReport is? So are we.

We've been waiting on various folks to explore this story, but understandably noone has taken it further. So we're doing it instead. Here's a thread.

🧵2/15 Remember this @skwawkbox story?…

🧵3/15 ...and this @skwawkbox article?…

🧵4/15 The articles discuss an 'autoforward' feature behind the main Forde Report email address at BDBPitmans, which appeared to develop a fault. One of the email addresses that it appears likely to have been automatically forwarding mail to is shown below...

🧵5/15 The *personal* email address shown, we believe to be very likely to belong to one Sheree Dodd, of HaslamDodd Communications.

🧵6/15 Proof it is her email address? Here it is. It is a personal email address hosted on a legacy Apple service, that also appears to have been used for parliamentary business. Secure? You tell us.

🧵7/15 Ms Dodd and Alastair Campbell appear to be friends.

🧵8/15 Dodd & Campbell appear to have known each other for a considerable amount of time.

🧵9/15 It appears that Ms Dodd has performed work with companies owned by Lord Ashcroft - arch-Blairite Lord Ashcroft.

🧵10/15 Ms Dodd has also been named in the following article about school privatisation:…

🧵11/15 Ms Dodd also appears to have had contact with Peter Mandelson.

🧵12/15 Ms Dodd's business partner Jonathan Haslam? He worked for John Major, and Blairite David Blunkett. Crucially, he was a 'spin doctor' associated with handling the state-security sensitive "Arms To Iraq" Scott Report -… (Strangely similar format?)

🧵13/15 It appears Mr Haslam is not a fan of Jeremy Corbyn, and some other leftists. These are just some of the Tweets he has 'liked'.

🧵14/15 This tweet really stood out to show his opinion on Corbyn:

🧵15/15 👉🏻Why does it appear that emails sent to the Forde Report email address, are then being forwarded to an individual / individuals who are known to be hostile to certain parts of the Labour Party?"

👉🏻Is the Forde Report being handled like the Scott Report was?

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