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resisting the democratisation of truth - nolite te bastardes carborundorum

May 25, 2022, 9 tweets

Ousted Pakistani PM @ImranKhanPTI continues to attract crowds as far as the eye can see in his bid to force a new election, after he accused the Biden-admin of instigating a regime change to punish him for visiting Putin. Read below for further information

Pakistan is in revolt against what people claim is a “regime change” to oust former PM @ImranKhanPTI


Pakistan is in revolt against what people claim was a Biden-Admin instigated “regime change” operation to oust former PM @ImranKhanPTI


Pakistan is in revolt against what people claim was a Biden-Admin instigated “regime change” operation to oust former PM @ImranKhanPTI


Pakistan is in revolt against what people claim was a Biden-Admin instigated “regime change” operation to oust former PM @ImranKhanPTI


Follow for live news (ARY News in Urdu)

The Pakistani regime is reportedly tear gassing its people in Islamabad at D-Chowk to disperse peaceful PTI supporters, as @ImranKhanPTI’s rally is about to arrive at the capital city

Pakistan’s Biden-allied regime deploys the ARMY in Islamabad as the convoy of ex-PM Imran Khan enters the capital demanding a fresh election following his ousting after he visited Putin

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