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May 25, 2022, 14 tweets

All the #SueGrayReport photos of Boris Johnson - from birthday party to leaving do


Damning photos of No10 lockdown parties have been included in Sue Gray's final report into Partygate.…

Boris Johnson, Chancellor Rishi Sunak and Cabinet Secretary Simon Case have all been pictured in extremely high spirits.

👉 But the identities of other civil servants who attended lockdown parties in Downing Street have been protected.…

Ms Gray's report said the “senior leadership” in Boris Johnson’s Government must “bear responsibility” for the culture which led to coronavirus lockdown rules being broken.…

❓: What evidence did Sue Gray use to establish this conclusion?

Here are all of the photo's Ms Gray included in her highly-anticipated report ⬇️

🔴 Boris Johnson's 56th lockdown bash

📅 Boris Johnson enjoyed a birthday party in the Cabinet Room of No10 during the first lockdown on June 19 2020.

According to Ms Gray's report, Martin Reynolds sent an email at 09.34 to a number of No10 staff, including the No 10 Private Secretaries.

📧 "For the PM's birthday today we are having sandwiches and cake in the Cabinet room so do come along and wish the PM happy birthday."

The Prime Minister is seen in snaps raising a can of beer and holding what appears to be a cake in the cabinet room.

👉 Simon Case, the former top civil servant stands on the other side of the table laughing with his head tilted back.

🟥 Chancellor Rishi Sunak is pictured closely beside the PM with his blazer off and glasses on.

The PM appears to be holding party food next to the Chancellor.

✖️ Indoor social gatherings were forbidden at this time.

🔴 Lee Cain's lockdown leaving-do

It was claimed Boris Johnson led the celebrations at Lee Cain's lockdown leaving do.

👥 In Ms Gray's report, it is noted a number of press office staff and media special advisers gathering in the Press Office area of No10 to mark his departure.

The investigation was informed that this party was not "pre-planned" as sources had previously claimed.

🍷 But the leaving bash was held at a time when 'wine-time Fridays' would normally be taking place.

The Prime Minister attended this leaving bash on his way to his Downing Street flat, the report states, having left his office at 19.17.

🗣️ The PM is understood to have gone to the Press Office area, joined the gathering and then made a leaving speech for Lee Cain.

❌🗓️ In the photos captured Mr Johnson is pictured raising a glass and chatting to staff on 13 November 2020 when indoor socialising was forbidden.

It's claimed Boris Johnson encouraged his staff to socialise and “let off steam” at Downing Street drinks bashes during lockdown.…

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