I AM … Shane Browning Profile picture
All Out Life …

May 25, 2022, 8 tweets

For the last 1 week & (4)(3) days everyone has had A lemon or two chucked at them in some way shape or form, yesterday [they] threw the whole πŸ‹ 🌳 …
Today as MANY feel they are at the lowest they’ve ever been in life, together as A whole, I’ve always promised I would be at my

Very BEST …

Turn 10 .✍️

Who are You Going to Call Upon? …
#SWEET Skateboards
#SWEET Water
White Water

2 Spoon Fulls of Sugar, Makes the #RED PILL Go Down.✍️

Do you see now why everything was created as it has been?

Why do most make this so much harder upon yourselves then it ever needed to be?

You know me by name.

Never Leave my Side …


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