Jesse Coffey💉💉💉💙💛✡️#CeasefireNOW #StopKOSA Profile picture
Hello. I am Jesse Coffey. I am a movie maven, a political junkie, and other things. #BlackLivesMatter • #StopAsianHate • #ActuallyAutistic • He/Him • Pansexual

May 25, 2022, 5 tweets

FANON RESPONSE—by Luan Loud, #TheLoudHouse
"I agree with you wholeheartedly on this issue and I am sad to hear that you're in the minority on it. I really hate reading most modern interviews with influential comedians from the past—even those I truly admire—for this very reason."

"The main thing about these interviews that REALLY crawls up my skin is their response to certain elements of their past work that MIGHT be perceived as objectionable by a modern audience, such as racist and sexist stereotypes or the repeated use of racial and ethnic slurs."

"A lot of the time, they respond by yelling 'CANCEL CULTURE! SOCIAL MEDIA IS KILLING US! I WANT TO SAY THE N-WORD AND R-WORD AND S-WORD AND C-WORD AND GET AWAY WITH IT!' In real life, no one ever gets away with it. Especially not in this most pressing era for minorities."

"I prefer to see acknowledgement of potentially harmful material in old comedy routines. I remember seeing a tweet noting that 'Weird Al' Yankovic actually stopped himself from uttering the word 'hermaphrodite' on a live tour and noted how offensive the term comes across as now."

"This was a good thing. I wished it happened more often around the comedy world." (END)

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