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May 27, 2022, 8 tweets

Whether you're a kayaker, climber, griller, or someone who just loves to sit on a camp chair and bask in the sun, these #MemorialDaySales have something for you. If you buy something using our links, WIRED may earn a commission. wired.trib.al/Dyl20Q7 1/8

Part grill, part fire pit, the BioLite burns wood and charcoal and packs down surprisingly small when you want to throw it in the trunk and hit the road. Plus it features a built-in battery that can double as a phone charger in a pinch. wired.trib.al/Dyl20Q7 📸: BioElite 2/8

Sometimes big adventures require a tent with a little more room, and the MSR Habitude 6-Person Tent fits the bill. wired.trib.al/Dyl20Q7📸: MSR 3/8

Deuter’s are some of the best-made packs around. It’s one of the most comfortable daypacks our team has ever tried, thanks to the mesh Aircontact system. It allows good airflow against your back and helps you stay cool on hot days. wired.trib.al/Dyl20Q7 📸: Backcountry 4/8

Surf’s up! The Bote Breeze Aero Inflatable Paddle Board makes the water a joy and opens up a whole new horizon of paddling possibilities. It’s stable, beginner-friendly, and packs down small enough to put in your car. wired.trib.al/Dyl20Q7 📸: Bote 5/8

The Xero Shoes Z-Trail Sandals are our favorite barefoot shoes, and they’re on sale at REI. Seriously, try ’em! wired.trib.al/Dyl20Q7 📸: Zero Shoes 6/8

Cozy up with your loved ones in the Kelty Loveseat. The giant camp chair is heavy and takes up a lot of space, but it is comfortable around a campfire. wired.trib.al/Dyl20Q7 📸: Kelty 7/8

For more awesome gadgets, subscribe to WIRED and get your first year of print and digital access for just $5 wired.trib.al/9E2tJFL 8/8

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