Corrado Fiore Profile picture
Cardiologist, FASE, FEACVI. Head of Cardiology Department and EchoLab at “Città di Lecce Hospital”. PreOP & IntraOP TOE. Videos are my own, educational purposes

May 27, 2022, 11 tweets

Take a look this thread about MR assessment in a young patient referred for systolic murmur 🧵
A single #3Decho clip can explain your brainstorming in few minutes.
🔜 Never without 3D #echofirst

2D-TTE shows an important prolapse of PML, likely P2 according to PLAX.
Leaflets are thickned, LA dilatated and everything seems easy.

Let's push the color, but any huge jet can be detected despite a clear systolic murmur.

Apical 4-Ch view. Finally a clear MR jet! But something seems wrong: how is possible that a PML prolapse generates a posterior directed jet??
Let's move to TOE...

TOE Long axis view.
Where is my suspected P2 prolapse?! PML here seems fine...

X-plane gives us the advice to check better near the commissures. Maybe the answer is there...

Intercommissural view with color.
Huge MR jet towards the LAA! Finally we can see what we heard by auscultation..
It is a jet lateral directed.

...and what about this one?
It's another jet, central, between A2-P2 with a coaptation zone apically displaced at this level due to the lifting of PM commissure.
...we need to have a surgeon's view! in motion!! 🔜 3D ⚡️⚡️

3D: one of the most important imaging tools!

What's the report?
✅ P3 Prolapse
✅ Posteromedial commissure prolapse
✅ Small A3 prolapse

⚡️3D COLOR ⚡️
A clear spatial and anatomic orientation of our jet originating from the posterior commissure and directed towards LAA

From the basic to the advanced echocardiography.
Try never to lose orientation and think as if you were navigating inside the heart!

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