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May 27, 2022, 24 tweets

Exposing TMZ and celebrity divorce attorney Laura Wasser - a thread


If you’ve been watching the #JohnnyDeppAmberHeardTrial, you’ll know there is currently an issue over who was leaking things to TMZ. Many believe it was Amber tipping them off, she blames Johnny’s defense attorney Laura Wasser.

We have more information on Laura Wasser because she was hired as Britney’s divorce attorney against Kevin Federline back in 2007 and played a big role in the events leading up to Britney’s conservatorship.

Laura Wasser and her dad run a big law firm in Southern California that focuses almost exclusively on celebrity divorces. They have represented many individuals such as Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp, and The Kadarshians.

Laura Wasser was given what should have been a slam-dunk case with Britney because she had an iron-clad prenup and Kevin Federline didn’t even have a job or stable income.

Now explain why leaked documents show Laura Wasser was secretly working with Kevin Federline and Larry Rudolph on an “intervention” where they were planning to dangle Britney’s kids in front of her like a “carrot” in order to get her to enter rehab. Her own divorce attorney!

Laura Wasser doesn’t like the fact the public has a First Amendment right to divorce proceedings, she doesn’t believe they should be open so she has found loopholes, like she did in Britney’s case to seal it from the public.

It was Laura Wasser who signed this document appointing a court commissioner named Scott Gordon to manage Britney’s custody case, instead of a real judge.

Laura Wasser knows Commissioner Gordon very well because she did a podcast with him in 2020 where she admitted she has known him for over 17 years (which would be 4 years before she agreed to have him be the judge on Britney’s case!)

Laura was able to negotiate a divorce settlement with Kevin Federline but soon after appointing Scott Gordon to the case, TMZ announced that Laura Wasser would no longer be serving as Britney’s attorney. She may have quit or been fired, we are not sure.

Here is Laura Wasser leaving the Stanley Mosk Courthouse on the day she left Britney’s case.

Within less than a month, the judge appointed by Laura Wasser made a drastic decision to take Britney’s custody of her two kids away and given them to Kevin Federline.

Britney tried to regain custody of her kids again, but she was blocked by Commissioner Gordon because of a parenting coach named Lisa Hacker. Wouldn’t you know this same woman was involved in another one of Laura Wasser’s cases between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

After putting her under a conservatorship, Britney’s dad rehired Laura Wasser back on her custody case.

We know for a fact Laura Wasser has been paid out of Britney’s conservatorship.

Laura Wasser has an extremely close relationship with Harvey Levin and TMZ which makes you question why they’ve treated Britney so badly since 2007. TMZ even nicknamed Laura the “Disso Queen” and she’s been involved on their show many times.

Harvey Levin even appeared on Laura’s podcast and admitted he’s known her for a “very long time.” He also shared a story about Britney’s divorce, which is interesting considering Laura was most likely her divorce attorney at the time.

Laura Wasser continued to be paid by Britney’s conservatorship as her “family law” attorney as late as 2018 when Kevin Federline wanted more child support. Meanwhile, Laura never made any serious effort to help Britney end the conservatorship or regain custody of her kids.

We find it extremely damning that Laura Wasser refused to talk about the conservatorship in this interview with Chelsea Handler at the height of the #FreeBritney movement.

So how does this all play into the #JohnnyDeppAmberHeardTrial? Well, Amber claims Laura Wasser tried to kick her out within 21 days.

Amber also claimed Laura Wasser leaked their divorce to TMZ.

Here is more evidence Laura Wasser was using TMZ to her advantage, according to Amber:

In the middle of our research for this thread, Courtney Love put out a statement where she said Laura Wasser “would never call TMZ.” It is unclear to us if she was sticking up for her friend Johnny or if she was being facetious because she knows the truth about Laura Wasser.

You may come to your own conclusion about Depp vs Heard, but it is undeniable that Laura Wasser has had a close relationship with TMZ and was also a key participant in Britney’s conservatorship. She needs to be held accountable! #JusticeForBritney

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