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@SrBachchan @RealMadrid @mohunbagansg | Lovers, Lunatics and Poets are made of the same stuff☭

May 29, 2022, 10 tweets

A Thread related to #AmarAkbarAnthony - An all time cult classic closes 45 years of it’s release.

Released on 27.05.1977 , Till date, in terms of footfalls, return on investments, repeat value and cult quotient, AAA remains his biggest hit

The story of #AmarAkbarAnthony - - the director Manmohan Desai got the idea while reading a newspaper! He read a news piece of a drunk man named Jackson, who was fed up of his life and hence decided to drop his three children in the park


According to Director Manmohan Desai, the character of Anthony Gonsalves was based upon a real person from his youth.
@SrBachchan Sir also achieved his first Best Actor Award for his extraordinary performance



The film made @SrBachchan Sir a superstar GOD in the Caribean Islands. Trinidad, Tobago, Guyana and several other countries played Amar Akbar Anthony in the theaters. The film was house full for months,where getting a ticket was impossible.


The character of Anthony Gonsalves was originally called Anthony Fernandes in Amar Akbar Anthony 1977.Manmohan Desai had met lyric st Anand Bakshi and had also finalized the lyrics for the song as my name is Anthony Fernandes but it did not go well with the music directors

#AmarAkbarAnthony - Created history by celebrating 9 Silver Jubilees alone in Mumbai .

When there were shooting for the mirror scene, Manmohan Desai was shooting the climax of Parvarish on another floor of the studio, AB while rehearsing shot the scene in absence of MDK


It was after @SrBachchan Sir did the mirror scene that Manmohan Desai became a life long fan of Amitabh. Manmohan saw the scene later on and told Amitabh that if he ever wants to leave Manmohan Desai it will be fine, but he will never leave him.



'Sophisticated rhetorician intoxicated with the exuberance of your own verbosity,' uttered by Anthony after he emerges from the huge Easter egg. The words are quotation from a speech given by Benjamin Disraeli in 1878.

Song - My Name is Anthony Gonsalves


Manmohan Desai stated "Before Amar Akbar Anthony, my concept of a hero was almost entirely modelled on Raj Kapoor. Now I have got Amitabh in my system and cannot think of anyone other than him. What happens now is that I think of scripts with Amitabh in mind”


A separate vinyl LP record was released titled "Amar Akbar Anthony Dialogies". Many scenes from the film were included on the record.

- Mahurat was in June 1975 -


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