Gift Ostallos Siziba Profile picture
Mandela Washington Fellow| Obama Foundation Fellow| Human Rights Defender| Democrat| CCC National Deputy Spokesperson

May 29, 2022, 10 tweets

1] #YellowThread: Kwekwe Central
Exactly 91 days later, the City of gold once again turned yellow, as Change Citizens thronged Amaveni stadium to engage the CCIC, who came to thank them for staying true to the promises made on Feb 27th, a few kms away, in Mbizo

2. The #CitizensAppreciationRally was hot on the heels of a similar event, less than 24 hours back, in Binga, where the baTonga citizens, in their thousands, congregated to reaffirm that ngaanjile mulombe, at an event otherwise organized to celebrate our triumph, last February

3. Enter the Change Champion in Chief. The Leader of the Change movement was greeted with genuine love & reaffirmation of the trust in his vision & leadership. The expression of a solid, genuine relationship with the citizens was once more made clear.

4. Unsurprisingly, the architects of violence, an expression of lack of political appeal, deployed a plethora of shenanigans, to intimidate citizens from attending the rally. Citizens defied & expressed the same bravery which saw CCC defeating ZanuPF in the past by-elections.

5. The Citizens were unrentling & jubilant. Music was lit. Solidarity speeches came from many, including a disruptive student leadership, labour movement, the church, and the civil society.

6. When it was time for the main speech, the Change Champion In Chief emphasized his clarion call for peace. 'We are one people', was the clarion call.

7. Yet the other key take aways from his address are that, he honored the people of Midlands for registering to vote, and resoundingly winning big, last March.

8. President Chamisa further bemoaned the state of the economy, which has pushed many citizens into the diaspora, promising that come 2023, we must win Zimbabwe for transformational change, and rebuild our country so that her people may come back home.

9. But ofcourse, he reminded that those voted for, in the last by-elections, are duty bound, between now and 2023, to offer leadership as per the expectations of the electorate, barring all traditional impediments.

Fellow Citizens the Champion concluded by calling for a collective Citizens effort in a bid to win Zimbabwe for change. With love and solidarity always- Thank you #BringBackMobby

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