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May 29, 2022, 27 tweets

A pogrom took place in Sheikh Jarrah this evening, it lasted for hours. When Israeli forces intervened, they secured the perimeter to the aid of raiding settlers.
they used bullets, gas & water cannon against🇵🇸, while a State-Sponsored Pogrom took place uninterrupted inside SJ.

Same in the Old City of Jerusalem, where another pogrom took place, conducted in coordination between 🇮🇱 police & flag-waving 🇮🇱marchers.

All the videos I see from the Old City are settlers insulting & assaulting Palestinians INSIDE THEIR HOMES.

Police was aiding & abetting.

Last but not least, all journalists inside old city were harassed, some attacked & had objects thrown at them. I've seen plenty of evidence &got told by journo friends who had a press pass.

The videos again show 🇮🇱police aid & abet by allowing the violence to go uninterrupted.

This looks and feels like a literal State-Sponsored pogrom, because the Israeli state is now waging a propaganda campaign glorifying the #FlagMarch and showing clips of the dancing outside, while no one is showing the horrors Palestinians witnessed by fascists at their doorsteps.

In the following thread, I'll share a few videos I collated, but none of the footage below is mine.

Starting with this: joint attack by 🇮🇱marchers & 🇮🇱police against Palestinian home in the Old City

🇮🇱settlers attack a Palestinian home in old city, collectively chanting 'Mavet le Aravim', (Death to Arabs)

Another assault at Palestinian homes in the Old City, woman were mostly alone at home when they got attacked

Palestinian residents and workers of the Old City harassed and intimidated, while Israeli forces on the scene pretend not to see the Palestinian.

via Adnan Barq

🇮🇱settlers harasse Palestinian shopkeeprs as Israeli forces provide protection

Settlers insult and intimidate Palestinians literally on their doorstep

Palestinian residents of the Old City defend their homes themselves after repeated attacks, as Israeli forces enable the flag-waving Israeli settler rampage to continue uninterrupted.

via Adnan Barq

Sheikh Jarrah: settlers smash dozens of Palestinian-owned cars in the neighbourhood.

During this period, Israeli forces didn't intervene but instead brought out the water cannon & fired lots of ammo to prevent Palestinians from arriving from outside the neighbourhood.

More of the coordinated attack on Sheikh Jarrah.

An Israeli cop literally standing by during a lynching on edge of Sheikh Jarrah

The settler rampage in Sheikh Jarrah continued late into the night.

Last but not least, several journalists were assaulted live, including Laila Odeh of @France24_ar

The journalist who filmed this said the Israeli forces watched on as settlers attacked and hurled objects at journalists

The Israeli forces in the Old City enabled violence and intimidation towards journalists

In Sheikh Jarrah, Iyad Harb, correspondent for Israeli broadcaster @kann was also attacked by settlers.

spare a thought for actual residents of the neighborhood, the night of terror they endured.. when even Hebrew-speaking veteran journalists were target

Looks like pogroms weren't limited to Sheikh Jarrah and Old City.
This footage from Silwan, last night: Israeli settlers broke through Palestinian fences, attacked homes & smashed cars.
Truly, a night of terror, enabled & praised by the Israeli gov't.

In the Old City, Israeli forces protect the provocateur settlers who are roaming Palestinian neighborhoods singing genocidal chants. They arrested Palestinian kids at their own literal doorsteps, while defending their own homes.

They're not even ashamed of the obvious collusion.

Call it what it is: COLLUSION.

moment when settlers broke into Palestinian property in Silwan last night, proceed to attack homes, smash car & puncture tires.

Israeli forces seen chaperoning the raiding settlers, do not attempt to make a single arrest.

More on the COLLUSION during Sheikh Jarrah's night of terror:
"Settler and state violence go hand in hand.
The fascists throw stones and the police arrest Palestinians.
We are beaten when crimes are committed in front of their eyes."

more from @FreeJerusalem1: "dozens of "Jerusalem Day celebrants" seen throwing stones at Palestinians & activists in Sheikh Jarrah in broad daylight in front of the police.
Sure everyone was arrested, right?
Oh, the police only arrested Palestinians?"

Another video from the start of yesterday's pogrom in Sheikh Jarrah by the Zionists celebrating #JerusalemDay 🇮🇱

This took place at Palestinian homes on the northern edge of Silwan, close to Al-Mughrabi/Dung Gate, just outside of the Old City.
City-wide anti-Palestinian attacks by flag-waving Zionists, no arrests made. Isr police seem to be chaperoning the attackers.

Testimony from bus driver caught in Sheikh Jarrah pogrom. He describes indiscriminate & incessant stoning of 🇵🇸vehicles.
He notes Israeli forces nearby did not aid him when he called for help & did not attempt to stop the settler rampage or make any arrest

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