Matthew Hodson Profile picture
Currently only posting selfies / writing about HIV and LGBTQ+ rights on other platforms. Come find me on 🦋 or 🧵. Links in my last post here. 🙏😘

May 31, 2022, 5 tweets

If you have recently been diagnosed with #HIV, please know these things.
Your life is not over.
You can still be healthy.
You can still have children. And grandchildren.
You can still have loving relationships and great, uninhibited sex (these may come hand in hand... or not).

When we are on effective treatment there is absolutely NO RISK of #HIV being passed on to our sex partners - even without condoms or PrEP.
So we can have great, fearless sex.
We call this Undetectable means Untransmittable or #UequalsU.

“Women living with #HIV can have children just like anyone else. You can conceive naturally, you can give birth naturally and you can have HIV-negative babies.”
@sashaishere88 on being a mother.
HIV changed, tell everyone. #UequalsU

If we are diagnosed promptly and have secure access to #HIV treatment we should live about as long as someone who does not have HIV.
Some studies suggest we may even live a little longer!
HIV changed. Tell everyone.

For 35 years @aidsmap has provided information for people living with, or concerned about, #HIV.
Visit our site for news and information about HIV treatment, prevention and support - including #UequalsU.

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