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Disciple of Jesus | Husband of Ibiyemi | A Responsible Father | Network Engineer | Passionate about Politics & Kingdom views | I can win by Righteousness

Jun 2, 2022, 9 tweets


It's not just about having political strength that is obviously needed by @OfficialAPCNg to keep PDP Atiku perpetually away from Aso Rock, @officialABAT has proven with clear track record that our problems can actually become a huge asset..

Eko Atlantic City envisioned by the #CityBoy was more than just creating "Dubai City" in Lagos Nigeria, it was a product of deep thinking on how to bring honey of out a very bad situation.
What we are witnessing today as Eko Atlantic City was a brainchild of Tinubu. CAPACITY!

When Tinubu was the Governor, thinking of the imminent danger of being overwhelmed by ocean surge from the Atlantic Ocean, he began to think of permanent solution for the future. Not just a solution, also turning same to asset for Lagos!

We need such THINKER to continue in 2023

Lagos State Waterfront and Tourism Development Corporation was created in 2002 to give legal backing to future solution so as to perpetuate THINKERS in Lagos.
Obasanjo FG was proposing a periodic intervention from the Ecological Account, Tinubu was thinking of a better SOLUTION.

The idea led to the involvement of EXPERTS to reclaim about 2km into the ocean.
"The Great Wall of Lagos is a large sea revetment that protects the emerging new city as well as Victoria Island from the threat of flooding due to ocean surge."

That's what thinking leaders do.

Royal Haskoning Marine Engineers from Holland was brought in to design d Wall, they've had decades of experience in such. Danish Hydraulic Institute got involved. A visionary leader showed the way, a competent successor Fashola did not drop the ball. He knows the road!

The construction of the Great Wall began in 2009. It will reach 8.5 kilometers upon completion to protect the emerging new Eko Atlantic city.

So, Lagos didn't just happen because "it was a former FCT", Tinubu used his brain to chart a path of progress for Lagosians.

So whatever you are seeing about the beauty and glamor of Eko Atlantic City didn't happen by accident, it was a product of thinking capacity of Tinubu to turn challenges into Asset. We need a leader like that to continue from where President Buhari will stop in 2023.

So when you read that US Celebrate Groundbreaking Of $537m Consulate Building In Eko Atlantic, Africa Data Centre,Port, Azuri towers etc, it didn't happen by quoting CHINA & STATSTICS, someone turned problem of Ocean Surge to ASSET...

The #CityBoy Asiwaju Bola Tinubu is needed!

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