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Jun 3, 2022, 42 tweets

What's new on the #SWTOR PTS? A little thread.

#1 - You can now choose the colors of your Combat Styles icons and how they appear to you. There's also some defaults including Classic and Colorblind.

#2 You can now have up to 32 outfits in the outfit designer! They each cost 1 million for the later ones (or "1 cartel coin" though I assume that's just on the test server) #SWTOR

#3 Better controls for the the Outfit Designer /Outfitter preview. You could spin before, but now you can spin, zoom and move.

The #SWTOR normal preview is still not moveable on the PTS.

#4 New items in collections on PTS! #SWTOR

Creep Weapon tuning (love it, horror vibes_
New Jedi Set
New weapons with the wrong names
Unfinished Imperial Reaper
New Speeder
New Helmet
New Rebreather

#5 the new Creep Weapon Tuning is hard to preview but very neat, looks like eldritch horror kinda thing #SWTOR

#6 There are new vendors on the fleet in the Supplies section selling gear that requires tokens from the new R-4 operation. #SWTOR

#7 Here's what the armor previews look like from the Veteran Mode vendor. There's also a bunch of not-new reskin armor too. #SWTOR

#8 Here's what the story mode vendor armors that are new look like #SWTOR

So the new looking ones seem to be "empty" / cosmetic right now and are modifiable? It looks like if you want mods to run R-4.

And then the old armor looks go up to item-rating 340 on vet. 328 on story.

#9 It looks like PvP gear can now go up to 328 from 326, I can't test if it can go beyond that cus I don't have any currency on PTS #SWTOR

#10 You can now use your Conquest Commendations and Daily Resource Matrixes to upgrade your conquest Noble Decurion gear (solo gear) from 3266 now up to 328 and up to 330 where it stops on the PTS. #SWTOR

#11 For Flashpoints, at the vendor, I was able to go to from Vet. Flashpoint 324 -> 326 which I couldn't before but I couldn't test more due to lack of currency. Same for my Master Mode blues 326 -> 328 now available. #SWTOR PTS

#12 Same kinda thing for Flashpoint gear it looks like my Rakata gear can be upgraded from 330-> 322, I don't know if it can go beyond because I don't have currency #SWTOR PTS

Like I mentioned earlier, the new highest gear seems to be 340 from the R-4 anomoly Token Vet. vendor

#13 To test the new Manaan daily area, make sure to transfer a character that's caught up in the story, Via the Galaxy Map, travel to the Manaan Invasion Zone, Near the base where you land, you should see a mission board next to the taxi stand.

#14 YES there is a reputation vendor on Manaan in the new daily area. #SWTOR See next tweets for some pics!

#15 some decos from manaan #SWTOR (cont)

#16 some more decos from manaan #SWTOR
love the coral reef for a large/center hook

#17 even more decos from manaan #SWTOR the statue is huge for a starship hook (PTS)

#18 eveennnn more manaan decos #SWTOR


#20 even more sea kelp #SWTOR

#21 NPC decorations for you to earn on Manaan #SWTOR

#22 the last of the decos from the Manaan vendor on the PTS in #SWTOR I like the researching he has a research pad in his hand.

#23 TURTLE FRIEND!!! He's a reward from the new manaan daily area, requires Champion rank. Pet. "Cerulean Turtle". #SWTOR PTS

#24 New Manaan reputation armor Manaan Nightlight, diver suit requires Legend rank #SWTOR pts

#2 New Manaan reputation armor, Manaan Defender, requires Hero rank #SWTOR pts

#26 New Weapons on the Manaan reputation vendor #SWTOR They are called "Firaxan"

#27 New lightsabers on the Manaan reputation vendor #SWTOR They are called "Firaxan"

#28 There's also some decos from a new pack called Daimyo Decoration Bundle on PTS. (more in next post) #SWTOR

#29 More previews from the Daimyo deco pack on the PTS #SWTOR

Rancor Pit Floor Gate no preview yet

#30 there's also this manaan reputation vendor item deco that I missed, an altar #SWTOR pts

#31 Here is the new terminal for the Republic & Imperial #SWTOR manaan dailies on PTS

Some are the same between factions while some are different.

Each quest rewards you reputation to buy cosmetic rewards from the reputation vendor.

The #SWTOR Manaan daily area starter area for imperials is really neat, a hole in the ground waterfall pts

#32 So I thought it might only be 1 area. It is not. Multiple taxi points including the one you start at. #SWTOR pts manaan republic side

#33 There's achievements for the new #SWTOR Manaan daily area I think there are also some hidden ones though I don't remember what the diving achievs were worth. PTS.

#34 so aurabesh signs @IntisarNOR

#35 You can totally put the new kelp decos on land. Nothing new in the old Manaan stronghold. #SWTOR pts

#36 Here are the new titles. #SWTOR

Republic Legend Rank legacy - Protector of the Seas
Republic Friend Rank legacy - Guardian of the Selkath

Republic Legend Rank legacy - Blight of the Seas
Republic Friend Rank legacy - Selkath's Despair

Vendor - Legend char- The Water Logged

#37 I don't know if you are expected to have 330 gear to go into the Story / Veteran mode of R-4 Anomaly operation, but on the #SWTOR pts you can get them for free for testing in the Slugfall area of Mek-Sha.

#38 - #SWTOR PTS - This elevator is super broken. When you run towards it you can see the button but it disappears and starts moving when you run towards it LOL. You can still click it but it is invisible and moved way down. I think the other one is funky too.

#39 pretty sure there is some story to go with the new daily area that we can't see yet :) #SWTOR pts

#40 here's what the two kolto decorations probably look like for real outside of the preview, glowy! #SWTOR pts

#41 my favorite legacy title, textfield

There's been surprisingly few bugs / issues when I was testing on PTS today which is nice. #SWTOR

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