Zhao DaShuai 东北进修🇨🇳 Profile picture
📝People's Armed Police Propaganda Bureau. 🖥️Propaganda should be offensive to our enemies. 📢All forms of media is propaganda, we're just more honest about it

Jun 3, 2022, 8 tweets

This thread🧵is your average "Tiananmen square massacre" propagandists do not want to you see

Let's start with a video of the "Peaceful student protesters" hijacking an armored vehicle and firing it's .50 caliber machine gun at the PLA on June 3rd 1989

This video shows the "peaceful protesters" near Tiananmen square stoning PLA truck drivers to death.

Do they look like peaceful protesters to you?

The 2 videos above were filmed during daylight, the "massacre" according to Western propaganda, happened on the late night of 3rd and early morning of June 4th

By early morning of June 4th, the PLA already took control of Beijing, So the rioters started killing soldiers FIRST

So scenes like this is happening BEFORE the supposed massacre.

ie the rioters were KILLING SOLIDERS.

This is Hou Dejian, he's a song writer from Taiwan, he's one of the organizers of the protests that happened before June 4th 1989

Hear him say that he did not see ANY killings at the Tiananmen Square, he was there until the last moment on June 4th 1989

This is Liu Xiaobo the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.

And listen how he confirmed Hou Dejian's statements that there were no killings nor shootings in the Tiananmen Square, during the supposed #TiananmenSquareMassacre

So if the western narrative on this #TiananmenSquareMassacre was wrong, then what did happen?

From the images of burnt out military equipment and dead soldiers, it was clear the the riot was already out of control and was an open rebellion in the Capital

LOL silenced by twitter, had to delete the more graphic tweets, showing the bodies of PLA soldiers.

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