Zhao DaShuai 东北进修🇨🇳 Profile picture
📝People's Armed Police Propaganda Bureau 🖥️On Twitter to improve English &Propaganda skill 📢All forms of media is propaganda, we're just more honest about it
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Sep 29 16 tweets 5 min read
Realistically, how can the Arab world and Iran unite to stop Israel.

The key is to cooperate with China and the wider Global South. It won't be easy nor a short term endeavor.

A realistic and candid thread, no hyperbole.
1/12🧵 Image With the normalized genocide in Gaza, and the political assassinations causing hundreds of civilian deaths in Lebanon, Israel is clearly a menace out of control.

The compromised West won't do anything, in fact they are condoning and actively supporting this behavior.
Sep 26 5 tweets 2 min read
Myanmar Situation.

The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) expands their controlled territory in Northern Myanmar, to include the major town of Lashio.

Why are they so successful?
1/5 Image The answer is simple, they have the support of the people. A sizable majority of the local population are ethnic Han [Chinese].

Whose ancestors settled in that area in different eras, from Ming to Qing to Republican.

When asked about MNDAA, ethnic Han full heartly support them.
Sep 22 15 tweets 5 min read
Thread on China's new amphibious warfare doctrine.

Why is it revolutionary and how will help us to take Taiwan.
1/15🧵 Fundamentally, amphibious warfare takes on the form of:

Port to ship, ship to shore.

A unit is transported from friendly port to an enemy port/beach to offload, it's a form of point-to-point system.

Such old system is inflexible and predictable.
Sep 21 4 tweets 2 min read
Golden Apollo, the Taiwanese company that made the exploding pagers bought by Hezbollah, is an equipment supplier for the FBI.

Confirmed by this translated article from 2011.

Link to the original article in the reply.
Reasons why they are complicit.
1/4 Image The Taiwanese company Golden Apollo lied by claiming they didn't make the pagers.

Blaming it on a company called BAC in Hungary.

In reality, that's just a 1 person shell company, Incapable of altering 5000 pagers.
Sep 21 5 tweets 2 min read
Today is the National Defense Education Day of China.

Here are the posters, which one do you prefer?

Full resolution posters in the reply, with brief commentary on the ideas behind each poster. Image Attend to our national defense.

Our armed forces belongs to the people, our national defense is for all. (sub-slogan for every poster).

Using the image of the child to bring out our innate care for younglings. Image
Sep 21 4 tweets 2 min read
Jewish apartheid ethnostate for Israel.
Multiculturalism chaos for everyone else.

Briefly on the character of the modern Jewish supremacy.
Spoilers, they're not beating the allegations.
Image Jewish supremacy comes from their outsized influence in the US, it's a phenomena that grew along with the US hegemonic power in the 19th and 20th century.

Before that, their sense of "superiority" is more of an cultural self-isolation and self-protection.
Sep 20 5 tweets 2 min read
An apology rings hollow when Japanese officials pray in shrines that houses convicted war criminals.

It rings hollow when they demand pre-war territories when the other axis powers have renounced all.

A weeb Malaysian "Chinese" talking about soft power is hilarious though Malaysian Chinese geopolitical observation:

If China stops talking about Japanese war crimes and give up territory, then Japan, a country dotted with US military bases and controlled by the US might side with China against the US.

How would you rate this
Sep 20 7 tweets 2 min read
Every single one of these people who laid flowers must have their entire background checked.

We already know of established financial connections between Japanese organizations and traitorous elements in China spreading pro-Japan propaganda.
As for my view of post-war Japan.

Due to the fascist enablers in Washington, Japan is the ONLY axis power who STILL demand pre-war territories.

Germany and Italy have all accepted the post war territorial rearrangement due to their wars of aggression.
Sep 17 5 tweets 1 min read
Multiculturalism buyer's remorse.

Multiculturalism is a neoliberal project gone out of control.

In an attempt to occupy the "moral high ground", the West touted their cultural openness, multiculturalism was one of their main tool used to lecture developing countries.
1/5 Image Migration is also a tool for the west to drain developing country of their human capital and corruption money.

One of the biggest drivers of migration other than elites from developing countries parking their money in the West, are the wars funded by the West in the global south
Sep 16 6 tweets 2 min read
Many people don't seem to understand the reasons for my anti-India stance.

India has been a willing tool for Imperialism and Anglo hegemony for centuries.

In 1800s they were foot soldiers of Britain.
Today, they're trying to become foot soldiers of the Anglo-Judeo hegemony.
1/6 Image People should not dismiss India's strong desires to backstab their touted "non-align" stance for the acceptance from the Anglophone world.

Many Indians, especially the "high" caste Indians deep down inside, perceive themselves as Aryan.
Sep 14 9 tweets 4 min read
Man in India rapes a 3 year old child, she was found bleeding in the bushes.

When will this torment end for the females of India?

Indians online loves to boast about their country, but upon closer examination, all you see is savagery.

Deep dive on Why India is doomed.
1/7🧵 Image The problem with India, is that most of its citizens do not realize or at least accept the fact that they live in a pre-modern feudal society.

The last vestiges of a "secular republic" (not much to begin with) was wiped out by BJP and Modi's Hindutva.
Sep 11 6 tweets 2 min read
Some of my followers would like me to talk about China.

Specifically, to point out areas of flaws that need improvements.

Here it is.

What’s the main obstacle preventing China from becoming a society with MATURED rule of law?
1/6🧵 Image To debunk the western narrative, no it’s not judicial reforms.

It’s law enforcement reform, specifically, increase the intensity of law enforcing.

Judicially, our system works just fine, it is able to provide justice with accordance of the law.

The issue arises before that.
Sep 9 6 tweets 2 min read
Our view of Vietnam from China.
Vietnam is wide open for color revolution

1️⃣They're too close to the US.

2️⃣Vietnamese leaders naively think the US can help them to counterbalance China. The ultimate goal of the US is to achieve what they failed to achieve in the war
1/6 Image 3️⃣Vietnamese authority have few tools for narrative control, their online space is controlled by US companies.

As soon as they hit an economic downturn, anti-socialist narratives will be flooding their online space.

They will have zero ability to counter US information warfare
Sep 1 5 tweets 1 min read
Consumers in the US and EU makes up 69% of the global consumption.

Yet they're only 9.7% of the world's population.

Neoliberal propaganda would tell you this is because of their systemic superiority.

But the truth is much simpler.
1/5🧵 Image The more capacity to consume in those regions is due to their stronger currency, in the age of globalized production, they use that exchange rate difference to consume more.

Their currency buy more in developing economies. Since shipping is so cheap, they're getting a free lunch
Sep 1 7 tweets 2 min read
As the construction of Funan Techo canal in Cambodia goes into full swing.

Our plan for the South China Peninsula (Mainland South East Asia) reaches the end of phase one.

Which is to either include Vietnam or circumvent it.
The Vietnamese are scrambling to respond.
1/7🧵 Image China's phase 1 plan for South East Asia is to connect the South China Peninsula with infrastructure projects.

Which will integrate mainland South East Asia into the manufacturing supply chain of China.

Railways, ports and canals raises transport efficiency of goods and people.
Aug 29 6 tweets 2 min read
Notice an uptick in anti-India content?

You’re welcome😊

In all seriousness, there are 3 reasons
1/6 Image 1️⃣most hindutvas, which are most online Indians, defends Israel’s ethnic cleaning in Gaza.

Which alienates them with the non-neoliberal left and right wing sides. Image
Aug 25 5 tweets 2 min read
The Kursk invasion exposes some very serious issues within the Russian military.

That is the lack of quick reacting air-support from fixed-wing fighters.

The main issue is the lack of precision guided munitions like the American GBU-53 or the Chinese YL-14.
Those type of small diameter glide bombs are equipped with advanced seeker modules, IIR and MM wave radar, which enables them to hit moving targets

Su-34s can easily carry dozens, and release it at an safe distance of ~80km away, recreating the highway of death for Ukraine.
Aug 25 6 tweets 2 min read
China's flying wing super-stealthy combat drone, GJ-11, listen to its engine roar.

The GJ-11 is very significant for China, it's the first deployed flying wing stealth combat drone in the world.

With it, the PLA air force and dominate any air space.
Its significance.
1/6 There are 2 components to an air campaign.

🔴One is to gain air superiority.

ie denying the enemy the ability to use its air force to target your ground force.

This is the air-to-air component, or ground-to-air by denying an air space for the enemy with anti-air missiles.
Aug 24 15 tweets 4 min read
The Western narrative is to pit Xi Jinping against Deng Xiaoping.

Why is that?

Long thread to understand Chinese politics
1/15🧵 Image The orthodox narrative came out of the US state department regarding Xi, is to portray him as the "precedence breaker".

Breaking the rule set by Deng, who they wrongly portrays as an example of a socialist turned capitalist.

First, there were no rules to break.
Aug 9 5 tweets 2 min read
Measuring medals per capita is ldiotic.

1️⃣Each country has limited athlete quotas in each event.
2️⃣At the elite level, there is no difference between an athlete picked from a larger population vs a smaller population.
3️⃣Sports participation population is more relevant factor
1/5 Image If the sport participation percentage is high, and the country has a large population, then it'll only affect the base talent of the athletes.

To win gold at the Olympics, the differences lies in the training, infrastructure and human resources like good coaching.
Aug 4 6 tweets 2 min read
The maneuver units of a PLA heavy Combined-Arms Division.

Within the PLA, there are intense discussions about the inadequacies to the Brigade structure exposed by the Ukraine war.

Although not applicable to our doctrine and the types of war we train to fight.
1/6 Image In 2016, PLA went through an almost full Brigadization, turning Divisions into brigades.

But Divisional structures were maintained in some units of the PLA deployed in the Western Theatre Command, due to the vastness of the areas it covers. Image