Paul Hudson Profile picture
Learning and sharing at Hacking with Swift, author of Swift, SwiftUI, and iOS books

Jun 5, 2022, 9 tweets

For folks coming to today’s Developer Center open house at #WWDC22, coffee and donuts from Caffè Macs 😋

And we’re in! #WWDC22

“The jacket that never occurred” 🤯 This is what *would* have been for WWDC20 attendees. #WWDC22

All the room names are from macOS releases! #WWDC22

These rooms are packed with technology – it’s like an Apple Store just for developers 🤩 #WWDC22

Here’s the Big Sur theater, which is 🤯 in a room. #WWDC22

Did someone mention #WWDC22 swag? 😎

They went to *extraordinary* lengths to add fun little things throughout the building, including Easter eggs to unlock, classic pieces of equipment, and more. A fun tour! #WWDC22

So, er, I know it’s a little late for this, but for the next week you might want to mute me and/or #WWDC22 if you’re not an Apple developer 😅

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