Susan Dalgety Profile picture
Co-editor of The Women Who Wouldn't Wheesht @TheScotsman column on Saturday @edinburghpaper on Monday. On @X too often.

Jun 7, 2022, 6 tweets

🧵Today the Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice committee will hear evidence about how data will be affected by self-ID. Or will they?

As @EHRC wrote earlier this year to @ShonaRobison the collection and use of data is one are where they have very real concerns

But only two witnesses have been called to give evidence on data. Paul Lowe, head of National Records of Scotland, the man who has just delivered the worst census returns in living memory

And Kevin Guyan a researcher who has just published this book 👇🏼

Leading social sciencists like @ProfAliceS who submitted evidence to the committee to show the negative impact of collecting data by “gender identity” which is subjective instead of biological sex, were not invited

Which leads one to ask, what is the committee afraid of? Why listen to only side of an argument ? Aren’t they worried they may be helping to make bad law? Answers on the back of a 2022 Census form please #SexMatters

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