AkaSci 📡 Profile picture
Space-time: the final frontier Writing mainly about space missions and astronomy. @AkaSci@fosstodon.org https://t.co/REZl0u77U0

Jun 8, 2022, 8 tweets

While #MarsHelicopter Ingenuity is learning how to fly with a broken Inclinometer, Mars Rover Perseverance has been been busy roaming the "bacon strip" area near the Delta region, looking for interesting rocks. Hopefully, it will find one worthy of a rock core collection soon.

This is the current location of Perseverance, right on top of the "bacon strip". Percy is probably hesitant to climb up the delta until Ingenuity moves to a better location, since Ingenuity needs Percy to communicate with earth.

The approach to the "bacon strip" area on June 6 -

Fractured flat rocks in the "bacon strip" area -

Layered rocks on Mars after billions of years of deposits and weathering -

Stone quarry in Jezero Crater?

Interesting ... perhaps worth a laser zap and analysis by the SuperCam spectrometer?
But there is so much more to explore.

Mars rocks!

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