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Founder: $CORZ, Blockcap GP: Blackstar AI Fund Owner Seed Oil Free: https://t.co/m2Hs3QvdUL Foundation: https://t.co/xDJuIJGMGs #Bitcoin

Jun 9, 2022, 9 tweets

Responding to #Bitcoin Energy FUD (June/22)

Any environmentalist that says #Bitcoin energy use is a GLOBAL problem is lying, uninformed or intellectually confused

The Global Bitcoin Network uses just 16 basis points of the worlds energy 16/100 of 1%

An inconsequential amount

Knowing that #Bitcoin accounts for just 16 basis points energy, it is impossible to comprehend @wef and @Newsweek predictions in 2017 which stated...

The Bitcoin Network is "On Track to consume ALL of the World's Energy by 2020"

99.984% incorrect


The @wef and @Newsweek relied on data compiled from 2015 - 2017 that ignored chip efficiencies

The problem with that is

Today #Bitcoin is:

41,000 times more efficient than it was in 2009


400 times more efficient than it was when the first ASICs were introduced


In addition to the total energy used globally being inconsequential

Every year the world wastes 50,000 TWh of energy

The global energy wasted can power over 200 #Bitcoin Networks


Every year in the United States 6,800 TWh of energy is WASTED

The WASTED energy in the United States can power over 27 global Bitcoin Networks


In terms of The #Bitcoin Network's carbon footprint, the Global #Bitcoin Network emits just 6 basis points of the USA's carbon footprint


Globally the Carbon emitted by #Bitcoin is also inconsequential


So we know:

1. @wef and @Newsweek predictions are outrageously wrong

2. Both the global carbon footprint and energy footprint are inconsequential. If you shut the entire #Bitcoin Network off the were be no global effect

So the real issue must be what #Bitcoin provides


The #Bitcoin Network provides

Banking to 8 B ppl
Private Property to 8 B ppl
Eliminates Stakeholder power
Accounting technology becomes unalterable
Provides the first immutable on chain truth

The people who were exploiting the last system are many and will NOT go quietly


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