Paul Keeley Profile picture
Flâneur palliatif, history of medicine, rugby, cricket, Aquinas & other stuff. Oh, and gin. All tweets personal RT ≠ agreement/approval.

Jun 10, 2022, 9 tweets

@MoMcEl and I had a mooch about Centre Block of #GRI for #InternationalHeraldryDay and noted the escutcheons over the entrance @FriendsofGRI 1/9
Thread 🧵⬇️

There’s St Mungo 2/9

The ring 3/9

The bell 4/9

The fish 5/9

The bird 6/9

And the tree 7/9

All these reference the arms of the City of Glasgow and @UofGlasgow 8/9

Finally at the old A&E we found a faded lion rampant and the #GRI badge - a thistly version of the Rod of Aesculapius 9/9

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