Not She Which Burns In It 🏴‍☠️🍊🏳️‍🌈 Profile picture
They/she, 30’s 🔞, Queer 🏳️‍🌈, Latine 🇲🇽 Twitter is burning, come find me on Tumblr: not-she-which-burns-in-it

Jun 12, 2022, 25 tweets

Wow, I did not expect this to get like any traction. Here is my overly long thread on breath work and the "You Wear Fine Things Well" scene in #OurFlagMeansDeath

Why did I spend 3 hours on #OFMD instead of any productive? Please don't ask me that.


Here's the whole things on Tumblr. Because I'm too verbose for this shit. But I'm gonna screencap and post video clips because I love you all.

Tumblr link:…

Let's over-analyze the fuck out of this 90 second scene because I have no self control.

But we gotta start with breath and voice - a couple definitions and context

So when we can see the chemistry just pouring off of them, breath and voice work is why. Also, like years and years of working together so the "in tune with each other" happens as easy as breathing.

Ha, get it.

Let’s start at the top!

Stede starts by already pulling his voice down to a whisper, releasing a lot of breath on the end of his sentence, you can hear it on “bust” and “sophisticated” Ed starts out a more soft neutral, but joins him in this intimate breathy place by “thank you”

Stede doesn’t try to press the conversation forward this time. He’s content to sit in this moment. He matches Ed’s breath. But Stede exhales more confidently through his nose with placement in the chest. It’s the literally sound of a smile.

If there were words they they’d be an answer to Ed’s scoff “you’re lying” - “of course I’m not” or “God you’re pretty”. Stede’s breath happens not to release tension but to release emotion - his fondness for Ed overflows and he breathes it out.

Because what happens next? Stede opens his mouth to speak. It happens so fast you might need to watch a couple times. But Stede opens his mouth and then Ed quickly aborts mission and says “OK” and pulls back just slightly. Stede answers with a very tight “Yup”.

Unlike all the rest of his lines in this scene, there is like zero breath released here. Ed is so close to him Stede is holding his breath. It’s not until they both turn that we hear them breath out.

Part 2 of this will be a compare contrast with the Kiss scene, when he DOES realize. Cause wow.

I can't make this thread any longer or I'm going to break my Twitter, and I need to stop.

Please like/share/comment if you want a part 2 analyzing the kiss scene! #OFMDmeta

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