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Senecio art, illusion and theatre of the absurd

Jun 14, 2022, 15 tweets

" On September 13, 2014, President Barack Obama appointed Allen as special presidential envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant)"…

2012: "Obama stands by Gen. Allen in widening scandal.. the FBI linked the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan to a widening scandal that resulted in CIA director David Petraeus' resignation "…

"Allen's confirmation hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee was postponed pending the outcome of a Defense Department's review of Allen's questionable e-mail communications with 37-year-old Tampa socialite Jill Kelley, who triggered the broader FBI inquiry ..."

Jill Kelley hired notorious lawyer Gloria Allred whose current client is Miss Ukraine 🙄

Will expand on that another time

Allred's daughter is notorious lawyer and vegan Lisa Bloom

Remember the #MeToo theatre?

Lisa Bloom is long connected to the CIA-connected Climate Change vegan #cult of the Supreme Master Ching Hai Association

"Jill Kelley Goes to Hollywood: Tampa Socialite's Role in CIA Director's Sex Scandal Is Optioned for TV..
Kelley has become a privacy advocate, and recently gave a lecture on the topic at Yale University" 🙄

"Allen was a featured speaker at the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia on July 27, 2016, on the topic of national security, and was later revealed to be on Clinton's list of possible picks for Vice President"…

"On October 4, 2017, Allen was named the seventh president of Brookings, succeeding Strobe Talbott"

Will have to expand on the role of the Design Council in world events at some point..

*cough* Grenfell *cough*

and more specifically, the Design FUTURES Council..

So, the FBI investigation is into whether Gen. Allen illegally lobbied on behalf of Qatar 🙄


2021: "Qatar and Pakistan completed a military sale of the entire fleet of Westland Commando helicopters to the Pakistan Bharia (Pakistan Navy)."…

Re: Joanna Brittan's father, Major Peter Brittan


The ex-wife of the uncle of the Qatar emir was found dead in Marbella a couple of weeks ago.

The autopsy was inconclusive #Epstein-Prince Andrew-connected Lady Victoria Hervey paid tribute to her friend

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