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Jun 14, 2022, 5 tweets

#ParkinsonDisease is a movement disorder associated with

- motor symptoms
- cognitive impairment
- mental health disorders
- autonomic symptoms
- sleep disorders
- pain
- other sensory disturbances.

Learn more 👉…

#DYK❓ Globally, disability and death due to #ParkinsonDisease are increasing faster than for any other neurological disorder 👉

Up to 80% of people with #ParkinsonDisease may develop #dementia during the course of their disease 👉…

The 🗝️ risk factor for #ParkinsonDisease is increasing age & the possible causes include
- exposure to pesticides
- genetic risk factors
- amfetamine/methamfetamine use
- lack of physical activity
- brain injury
- air pollution
- industrial solvents

🆕 WHO's #ParkinsonDisease technical brief outlines
- the global burden
- treatment gaps
- areas for intervention
- areas for action
for countries & public health professionals to improve health services for people with Parkinson disease 👉

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