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Jun 14, 2022, 6 tweets

#LeftRightCentre | Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria (Retd.), Former Air Chief, on the #Agnipath scheme announced by the Centre

#LeftRightCentre | "There is no shortage of people volunteering for joining the military. Even if you change their service conditions, they would still apply": Defence Expert Major General BS Dhanoa (Retd.) on the #Agnipath scheme

#LeftRightCentre | "Therefore, I think the motivation level is not going to be less": Vice Admiral S Sinha (Retd.) on the #Agnipath scheme announced by the Centre

#LeftRightCentre | Defence Analyst Major General Yash Mor (Retd.) on the #Agnipath scheme announced by the Centre

#LeftRightCentre | Jitendra Singh, an aspirant for the Air Force X, on the #Agnipath scheme announcement

#LeftRightCentre | Jetha Ram who is aspiring for Army Clerk, on the #Agnipath scheme announcement

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