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Jun 15, 2022, 18 tweets

🧵: Highlights from 22 audio recordings of leaked Patriot Front 2021 meetings with links to full audio/transcripts.

Many of the 31 Conspiracy/Riot arrestees from #Pride in CoeurDAlene, Idaho are involved in these.

Full story on PF audio leaks: unicornriot.ninja/2022/patriot-f…

9/2/21: Patriot Front members incl. #CoeurDAlene arrestees Thomas Rousseau & Wesley Van Horn discuss PF's rhetoric strategy to promote antisemitism without openly 'naming the Jew', frustrating some members.

Full audio:

Transcript: vault.unicornriot.ninja/patriotfrontle…

"Introducing your family member or close friend to the JQ...you gonna throw them in the deep end or just give them a trail of breadcrumbs?...If we just went "Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew" everyone's walls go up & then we'd fizzle out in a year." - Wesley Van Horn aka 'ND - Christopher AL'

10/3/21 - Patriot Front Florida Network Director Stephen Trimboli ('ND - Lawrence FL') tells members to implicate their gf in racist vandalism for 'blackmail' leverage so they don't dox them post-breakup.

Full audio:

Transcript: vault.unicornriot.ninja/patriotfrontle…

"She says anything, if I get in trouble...she goes down the shitter too... don't tell these girlfriends about Patriot Front, but if you do, and they try and take you down, make sure you bring them down with you.

-Patriot Front Network Director Stephen Trimboli aka 'Lawrence FL'

A monologue by Stephen Trimboli aka 'Lawrence FL' from the same Oct 3 meeting reveals the misery of life inside Patriot Front: constant turnover, communication/security blunders, shady gun deal offers, members smoking pot during activities, crashing cars, quitting en masse, etc

Also during 10/3/21 meeting, Spencer Simpson (arrested on Conspiracy/Riot Saturday) said Patriot Front's racist vandalism is meant to “show people that you can do something like this, and you can get away with it."

Spencer is 'David WA' in leaked chats: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/us…

Oct. 8, 2021: Patriot Front leader Thomas Rousseau leads Network Director Colton Brown's Pacific Northwest chapter in planning the homophobia-motivated vandalism of the @cityofolympia, WA gay pride mural.

Full audio:

Transcript: vault.unicornriot.ninja/patriotfrontle…

@cityofolympia 10/10/21: Patriot Front's PNW chapter plans further to destroy the Olympia, WA pride mural.

#CoeurDAlene Riot/Conspiracy arrestees Colton Brown, Justin O'Leary & Lawrence Norman were among those present.

Full audio:

Transcript: vault.unicornriot.ninja/patriotfrontle…

Oct. 17, 2021: Patriot Front members debrief to discuss their vandalism of the Olympia, WA pride mural the previous day.

Idaho Conspiracy/Riot arrestees Colton Brown, Justin O'Leary, Spencer Simpson, James J. Johnson and Lawrence Norman were involved in painting over the mural.

10/24/21: Patriot Front member Matthew Clement celebrated the success of the @cityofolympia pride mural cover-up after officials opted to paint the mural over with solid colors after PF repeatedly hit it.

Full audio:

Transcript: vault.unicornriot.ninja/patriotfrontle…

11/24/21 - Patriot Front members discuss the civil suit against organizers of the deadly neo-nazi #UniteTheRight rally in August 2017; they believe the Judge/court is controlled by a dark Jewish conspiracy.

Full audio:

Transcript: vault.unicornriot.ninja/patriotfrontle…

The day before this call, Patriot Front's predecessor org, Vanguard America, was found liable $1M in damages to survivors of racist violence that Thomas Rousseau helped organize.

"I want to see... blood on the pavement" - Rousseau in 2017 planning chats


Dec. 10, 2021: Thomas Rousseau tells all Patriot Front members that the group will attend the January 2022 anti-abortion March For Life events and claims to have made positive inroads with groups involved.

Full audio:

Transcript: vault.unicornriot.ninja/patriotfrontle…

12/10/21: Thomas Rousseau explicitly states that Patriot Front members may only carry out racist/homophobic vandalism missions "such as large-scale mural coverups" after "consulting a Director for something like that, or you are consulting me"..."you want to run it by me."

Earlier this year we leaked an archive of the RocketChat server Patriot Front uses to organize amongst members, showing lots of racist campaigns organized around the USA: unicornriot.ninja/2022/patriot-f…

You can browse the chat data directly here: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/se…

We're working on more Patriot Front materials to release but this work can take time... thanks to everyone who helps us continue to keep our small self-managed news org running: unicornriot.ninja/donate

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