Andrii Doroshenko 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Freeborn game developer. Advocate for democratic approaches in developer communities. Facilitator of free speech and restorer of justice.

Jun 15, 2022, 17 tweets

Godot is an invasive culture of imitators and wannabes that enjoy plagiarism. They are irresponsible and don't respect trademarks. Serious and responsible organizations that respect themselves don't do any of those things. #GodotEngine #CancelGodotEngine

#GodotEngine - The Matrix movie


#GodotEngine - Goku (Dragon Ball)


#GodotEngine - Sonic the Hedgehog

Source (the alleged confirmation of @Reduz is a lie, there's no proof that the company used Godot in its entirety):

#GodotEngine - Donald Trump (@reduzio said that he does not talk about politics, huh)


When OkamStudio used to develop "The Interactive Adventures of Dog Mendonça & Pizzaboy" using #GodotEngine (@reduzio being the part of the development team) they have shamelessly stolen the "Indiana Jones" logo style.


#GodotEngine - Reddit

#GodotEngine tutorial website listed at Hugo showcase:

#GodotEngine screenshot is on the front of "Game Engine" Wikipedia article listed as a primary example of a game engine.…

Looks like Juan, lead developer of #Godot, aka @reduzio, removed the image of Donald Trump from his news article, hoping that nobody would notice! 🤷‍♂️

No worries! There's a web archive of it. 🤣

#GodotEngine #CancelGodotEngine #GodotCult #CultOfTrump…

Godot maintainer used "Anyone can Yahaha" slogan by @OfficialYahaha and replaced it with "Godot" to make a joke, in the context of GDC 2023.

#GodotEngine #GodotEngine4 #Godot #Godot4

Godot's official documentation writer adapted an image of Kirby to shill #GodotEngine in the context of Inkscape.

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