Beth 🏳️‍⚧️💜 Profile picture
Tory hater, trans rights enjoyer. Pretty gay. @thegoodcatgirl's mum. Twitch Affiliate. She/her.

Jun 17, 2022, 7 tweets


@GlasgowPam: "Do you think think that, those people, those bad actors and I agree there will be some people who want to harm women, do you think that they feel they need a gender recognition certificate to do it?"

Naomi Cunningham of @SexMattersOrg: "... No"


@Emma_Roddick: "Can I just clarify then, trying to pin down what you said, do you believe a 16 year old can be trans?"

Naomi Cunningham of @SexMattersOrg: "... I certainly believe that a 16 year old can suffer gender dysphoria. That's clearly the case."

@Emma_Roddick: "Okay."

There is a reason why Gender Critical activists have U turned by saying the Scottish Parliament's legislative process is a sham and attacking staff members.

It's because they are losing.…

Naomi Cunningham of @SexMattersOrg: "And there is nothing in the proposed legislation that would prevent erotic cross dressers to apply for a gender recognition certificate."

Ah yes those cross dressers that famously have a kink for forms and bureaucracy.

@MaggieChapman to Naomi Cunningham on needing dysphoria to be trans: "In the same way I wouldn't want to prescribe what being a woman has to be, you have to look/dress/act a certain way, that's sexism I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that to trans people either."

@MaggieChapman: "It's (current process) intrusive and surely trans people deserve privacy as well?"

Naomi Cunningham: "...It is privacy with quite serious consequences. For example it creates an opportunity for what we at @SexMattersOrg have referred to as identity laundering."

If I had a pound for every time a gender critical activist adequately described what identity laundering is to me I'd no money.

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