Tory hater, trans rights enjoyer. Pretty gay. @thegoodcatgirl's mum. Twitch Affiliate. She/her.
Aug 19, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
I've met a lot of fantastic journalists from @PinkNews but it's become apparent that it's leadership is mistreating staff and is more interested on ad revenue rather than shining a light on injustice. I'd advise against giving them lines/comments/interacting with their site.
We are about to go onto First Ministers Questions, If trans rights come up I'll live tweet it below.
It will take 45mins and then we are onto the final GRR debate & vote.
Question 1 Douglas Ross
He asks about the Tory amendments that would ban offenders from having a GRC. It failed by one vote.
Why did the First Minister vote for this?
Dec 21, 2022 • 24 tweets • 3 min read
@D_Libris@JeremyRBalfour Kenneth Gibson speaks to John Masons bill about women prisons and claims there was a study that suggests trans women keep their natural criminal habits far after transition
He claims men are claiming to be women to be transferred to an estate to do easier time or to target women
"If a fox identified as a chicken would you put it in a hen house? Of course not."
- Kenneth Gibson
Dec 20, 2022 • 292 tweets • >60 min read
The debating chamber in the Scottish Parliament is starting to fill up with MSPs. We are due to start the final debate on amendments any moment now.
This debate is likely to last 6 or more hours and you can watch it live on:
I can't take pictures of the public gallery but it's entirely empty except from 20 gender critical activists sitting on the chambers left hand side and then a small group of trans people and allies.
The overwhelming majority of the public gallery is empty.
Dec 19, 2022 • 31 tweets • 15 min read
🚨Mega Thread🚨
For the past year the organising group between Scottish Feminist Network and other gender critical groups has been compromised. These screenshots from this are from these organising groups.
TW transphobia, anti choice rhetoric, Club Q shooting jokes and more.
Smaller gender critical activists details have been anonymised, however people in organising roles and leadership positions have not been censored.
Dec 17, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
🚨To all non-Scottish trans people & trans allies in the UK🚨
The Scottish Parliament votes on the Gender Recognition Reform Bill in less than 5 days. How can you help? Let me be blunt.
You need to email the Scottish Labour party.
Let me explain.
The bill itself is a bill coming from a cooperation agreement between the SNP and Greens. I'm relatively relaxed about the Lib Dems.
Gender Critical activists have most but not all of the Scottish Conservatives votes, the MSPs who rebelled previously and some surprises probably.
Oct 7, 2022 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
A thread about Kellie-Jay Keen, JK Rowling & scabs.
Yesterday, For Women Scotland held a demo against the gender recognition reforms at the Scottish Parliament.
The biggest moment comes from JK Rowling expressing solidarity with an interesting shirt choice.
This is a more clear version of the top JK Rowling wore. It says "Nicola Sturgeon destroyer of womens rights" in a dictionary style.
Further down it says "SCAB" an insult used in the trade union movement but in this case suggesting Sturgeon is a traitor to her own sex class.
Aug 8, 2022 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
So turns out For Women Scotland got asked some incredibly honest questions by Open Democracy journalists. How did For Women Scotland respond?
Well strap in for a thread about a totally normal response from a totally normal campaign group.
So let's start off on the first question what are the directors feminist experience?
Normally any activist would be proud to describe what they've done for the cause but For Women Scotland want to talk about broomsticks instead.
Aug 7, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Curing my adhd with 2 espressos and an areopress this noon.
Inverted method bayebee
Jun 18, 2022 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
Gender Critical activists can't seem to let a day go by without trying to shame me. Disappointed to see @Jo_Liptrott write about me in Graham Linehans blog.
My crime? Smirking when a witness said erotic cross dressers will apply for a GRC & for having a history of doing sex work
Not that you wouldn't expect such high quality feminism from Glinners website.
How do I know it's from @Jo_Liptrott? Because she forgot to switch to her alt.
Jun 17, 2022 • 7 tweets • 5 min read
@GlasgowPam: "Do you think think that, those people, those bad actors and I agree there will be some people who want to harm women, do you think that they feel they need a gender recognition certificate to do it?"
This week gender critical activists got angry at a buddy service who escort women to reproductive healthcare appointments in Glasgow because they think I run it. Turns out it was set up by a team of cis women trained in victim support. The account @BufferBuds is now gone.
Additionally they also attack @alice_is_a_boy for doing experimental performance art after Kat was harassed by the two hate preachers when attending a Sandyford appointment.
May 12, 2022 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
A thread on the discussion of body autonomy at #fmqs In the Scottish Parliament today and while there is progress it isn't all good news. Firstly I wanna thank @MonicaLennon7 & @GillianMacMSP for their fantastic questions subject highlighting buffer zones as well as staff safety.
While it is great that Nicola Sturgeon has committed to chairing an emergency summit on abortion healthcare looking at issues both here & in America she still refuses to fully commit to buffer zones and insteads passes the buck on to Scottish Councils to deal with themselves.
May 11, 2022 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
.@NicolaSturgeon and @MareeToddMSP this is outside the Sandyford in Glasgow. I found out about these two after they harassed someone on their way to recieve rape counseling. The longer you refuse to take a position on buffer zones the longer this will last.
The police have turned up but they can't do anything even though this guy is shouting at the top of his voice.
May 10, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I wonder how that American dyke with gorgeous green hair that I have a crush on is doing right now.
Take note cis hets this is how lesbians sub tweet.
Jk Rowling's alt author name is Robert Galbraith an American psychiatrist who did conversion therapy but its probably a coincidence.
JK Rowling named the bad school that Harry was supposed to go to Stonewall High but its probably a coincidence.
JK Rowling won't display...
Gay characters in her new films despite retroactively claiming Dumbledore was gay after she finished her books but its probably a coincidence.
JK Rowling launched her charity Lumos with a tory lord who is a massive homophobe but its probably a coincidence.
JK Rowling recently..