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A psycho sunbaenim, mostly #BoysLove stuff. BL Content and Eps - https://t.co/FeUo9KVqjj DP: @skywongraveee

Jun 19, 2022, 12 tweets

Tankhun's reaction is all of us. πŸ˜³πŸ˜†

#KinnPorscheEP11 #KinnPorscheTheseries

I'm a bit sad, I was half-expecting Tem to come around and join them. Am I the only one?

#KinnPorscheEP11 #KinnPorscheTheseries #TayTimeTem

I actually pity Vegas. He doesn't know it consciously, yet it's his father's approval and love he most craves but never gets.

Pete's kindness and willingness to look past the things Vegas has done to him will make him feel those things.

#KinnPorscheEP11 #KinnPorscheTheseriese

The face you make when you realize you've fallen for your brother-in-law. 😏

#KinnPorscheEP11 #KinnPorscheTheseries #KimChay

When Vegas said "nosy", he refused to believe the idea but Pete had already enlightened him because it now made so much sense to him.

This is Vegas' turning point.

#KinnPorscheEP11 #KinnPorscheTheseries #VegasPete

It's #KimChay disbandment day. 😨😜 JK.

The man went into enemy territory and risked his life for you, I don't know about it but that doesn't seem to be the actions of someone who doesn't at least care for you, much less love you.

#KinnPorscheEP11 #KinnPorscheTheseries

It's the little things, the little questions... They don't know it yet but those things will be Pete's way of becoming Vegas' path to redemption.

#KinnPorscheEP11 #KinnPorscheTheseries #VegasPete

Vegas finding Pete's antics funny is the moment it truly, actually starts to become #VegasPete.

#KinnPorscheEP11 #KinnPorscheTheseries

MOTHERFβ€”S. It's literally Mile's High Club, get it? 🀣

#KinnPorscheEP11 #KinnPorscheTheseries

Alas, it is now revealed: Kinn and Porche's final source of conflict.

I saw this coming since episode 1, but I'm interested to know how they will resolve this. Exciting times!

#KinnPorscheEP11 #KinnPorscheTheseries

#KinnPorscheEP12 will show us #VegasPete supremacy, OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

#KinnPorscheEP11 #KinnPorscheTheseries

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