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med student Chay and cold and abrasive neighbor Kim who somehow has more injuries every time Chay sees him, that Chay is always insisting on patching up while Kim sits there scowling and either staring at him, or pointedly ignoring him
Chay doesn't have a crush on him. really, he doesn't. he just. looks for him, every time he comes and goes from his apartment, eyes scanning the hallway, lobby, elevator. whenever he doesn't see him for a few days, and then when he sees him again, his heart rate picks up
and he has to take deep breaths to pull himself together and not be Weird about it. he doesn't have a crush on Kim. they barely even talk, when they do see each other. Chay just quietly frets over him and drags him into his own apartment and sits him down on the
Read 143 tweets
#KimChay AU | hero x villain 3

"Flower, please look at me."

Chay is not a flower. He is a hero with magic flower power and he doesn't know what this whiny, crazy villain is doing in his house.

Chay grows small pink flowers in his cupped palms and deposits the pile
into a boiling pot. The concoction bubbles and glows golden briefly before a dark red puff of smoke rises from it and dissipates into the air.

Kim has caged him against the counter, hands planted on the surface and trapping Chay between them. Chay knows he can easily break
free if he wanted to. Of course, he wanted to. He's not enjoying this.

Kim settles his chin on Chay's shoulder and he pretends the ticklish sensation in his tummy is just the flow of his magic powers.

"Kim, I'm brewing."
"I know, flower." Kim snuggles close, rubs his hands
Read 23 tweets
#KimChay AU | hero x villain AU thread

Kim is a villain who develops a soft spot for Porchay, newbie hero with magic flower power. Kim feels it boiling in his bloodstream--and it's not his fire power this time.

"Did you miss me, flower?"
"I'm not your flower!"

[STORY BELOW] ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
#KimChay au || Mangled

— All that was left of Porchay, was mangled and broken. And the culprit was no one but his brother, Porsche.

"I only wanted to keep you safe."

"Only from the outside hia. Who would protect me from inside?"

Warning: Self-h*rm, canon typical violence, angst, blood, mutilation, eventual su*cide.
Read 21 tweets
#KimChay AU loosely based on this tweet where Porchay is so done with everything with his project, looming deadlines for 3 assignments & running fan support for WIK’s upcoming concert when he gets stuck in the lift with a particular someone… Image
Porchay is usually a calm and understanding person especially when it comes to working on school projects but this particular one is driving him nuts. It’s a project for music management class and they are supposed to prepare a portfolio based on some selected profiles & promote
the profile to the recording label (their prof) The project makes sense but his other 3 teammates don’t. One of them is MIA. Like no one knows where she is and has gone to or if she’s even coming back. Chay has asked the school admin and received nothing. It’s a little scary.
Read 90 tweets
#kimchay | AU, no mafia |🔞

Porchay accidentally ends up tour managing one of his favorite bands. At first, Kim had fought Chay's addition to his band's road team tooth and nail, but now finds himself drawn to Chay.

Too bad Chay thinks Kim hates him.
#8SI ImageImageImageImage
[ #kimchay | #8SI ]

[ #kimchay | #8SI ]

It had gone something like this:

When Chay was finishing up the last semester of his undergrad degree in sound engineering, Porsche had landed a spot in the dance troupe for the Howl World Tour with multiplatinum global pop artist Bambi Jackson.
Read 413 tweets
#KimChay ♟drabble•

╰┈➤ ❝ [𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙙] ❞

♟•Chay gets punished by his professor for not having done his homework. Kim won’t be pleased when he finds out about it. Hurting Kim's angel equals signing your own death certificate•♟

tw: violence 🔞 ImageImageImageImage
this prompt is from @Plilie2 🖤 thank you, sweetie! Have a fun reading •
"Professor Moon, I'm sorry but I 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙩𝙤 go. I can’t stay after school," Chay urgently explains to his professor.

"You don’t have to do anything! All you have to do is do your homework and you didn’t even do that. You are staying here until I say otherwise!" +
Read 41 tweets
Ok lil brainstorming before sleeping:


Hanging down on a rope, inch by inch getting closer to the floor all because of a stupid diamond necklace he has to steal before that empty brain Kimhan gets to it first, wasn’t the kind of Friday night Chay had imagined +#
But life is a shit and Theerapanyakul family is even shittier so Chay is now here, breaking into a freaking palace of royal family. Getting through the guards was easier than he thought but, honestly, that’s the king's problem not his.

His hands can almost reach +
the floor so he can ground himself when...his face suddenly hits the floor and his body follows with a heavy thud.


"Careful there...we don’t wanna anyone else here, do we?" an annoying chuckle comes from somewhere behind him.

Chay stands up, +
Read 6 tweets
Kim nibbles on Chay’s earlobe, his hot calloused fingers of a musician are teasing, dancing over Chay's waist and tummy, sending waves of shivers all over Chay's body, waking up something burning and needy in the pit of his stomach.

"Be quiet and stay still for me..."+
"Can you do that angel?" Kim asks, his voice deep and raspy. It makes Chay's head spin.

Chay nods, he has a some time...5 minutes...yeah 5 minutes

"Good boy," Kim drops down on his knees and presses his lips just above the waistband of Chay’s pants.

Chay hitches his breath, his fingers immediately find their way into Kim's hair, "phi...uhmm...wait..."

Kim runs his tongue over Chay’s forming abs..."do u want me to stop, angel?"

"" Chay closes his eyes, Kim's wet tongue and hot lips feel so so good
Read 5 tweets
#KimChay 🛗 AU

𝙒𝙚𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙏𝙤 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙊𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙎𝙞𝙙𝙚

•Kimhan played the Elevator Game 6 years ago. The last footage of him is inside the elevator. Chay is a YouTuber interested in solving unexplained mysteries...his next mystery? The case of Kimhan Theerapanyakul•
#KimChay 🛗
“As always a big thank you to all of you, my mysteries! Researching and solving this one was so much fun but I hope that the next one will be even more juicy and goosebumps-inducing.”

#KimChay 🛗
Chay smiles at the camera and clasps his hands together, “so, I know that you all are patiently waiting for me to stop rambling and just spill what’s gonna be our next case, so I’m not going to make you wait any longer."

Read 166 tweets
#kimchayAU #KimChay

In which Porchay's boyfriend cheats on him with Kimhan and he decides to take revenge.


Things get out of control and Chay doesn't know how to stop.
Porchay wants to know what’s so good about him. He needs to know how he draws people in and makes them rush and stumble and stutter when he’s around, what is it with him that just one look would make them blush and giggle? +
He wants to know what is so fascinating, so captivating, and addictive that they wouldn’t care about hurting someone else for him.

But above all of it, he wants to know the reason why P’Van would cheat on him with the one and only Kimhan Theerapanyakul. +
Read 189 tweets
[ #kimchay #ndyh ]

ex oh ex oh gossip girl


start of part five:

[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

[ recall that this entire update is 🔞. it's also twice as long as any of the others. but if you are underage, you shouldn't still be here darlin' ❤️ ]

- [ part six. kim ] -

[ explicit cws: strong d/s undertones ]
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Kim leads him to the mixing room. He lets go of Chay’s hands only long enough to collapse the futon into a makeshift bed before Chay is pushing Kim down onto it.
Read 125 tweets
#KimChay AU | "meet"

There was a strange man who always came by Porchat's shop. He always bought the same cup of coffee--black, no sugar--and a bag of pastries to go. Always the special, and he never ate them there.

He liked to sit quietly in a corner, looking out the window. Image
Chay always felt a strange twinge of sadness whenever he saw that man by himself, but he seemed at peace whenever he sat in his little corner, sipping at his drink. Sometimes he read books, sometimes he worked quietly on his tablet.

But strangely, Chay was a little happy.
Today, it rained heavily and Chay hadn't expected him to drop by. But he did, like clockwork.

Dark hair, swept back; a black coat layered over his black clothes. He cut a harsh figure against the backdrop of house greenery that Chay surrounded his shop with. ImageImageImageImage
Read 11 tweets
LASTLY, FOR THE 95% OF YOU WHO DIDN'T LISTEN TO ME EARLIER. yes, I'm serious, you really MUST listen to this, it is obligatory. 😘

until tomorrow!

[ #kimchay #ndyh ]

- [ part three. kim ] -

Chay’s show is on a Tuesday, just a few days after his own.
The unfortunate thing is that Kim has to go in disguise. His hair is up, and his beanie and face mask seem to be doing their work enough that no one has bothered him.
[ #kimchay #ndyh ]

But his disguise also means that Chay will have a harder time finding him.
Kim brushes the long earring he’s wearing off his collarbone as he sends a couple of messages during sound check. When he looks up, though, Chay looks at Kim without having to search.
Read 165 tweets
#kimchay | AU, no mafia | E🔞

Porchay enters a fan competition where the prize is a date with WIꓘ. when WIꓘ is rude and dismissive during their date, though, Chay decides to stop being his fan.

WIꓘ, meanwhile, can’t seem to look away. ImageImageImageImage
[ #kimchay #ndyh ]
cws: chay/OC (temp.); boyfriend theft (no cheating though); six parts

thank you 3,000 to @specialgoto for the socmed slides consult and for helping me get this fic unstuck after my fully-formed and ambulatory morning coffee premise toddled me onto a sandbar ❤️
[ #kimchay #ndyh ]

[ part one. chay ]

Chay hadn’t expected anything out of it. Really. He had seen the ad when he’d been getting ready to post the link to his most recent guitar tutorial on Chatter.
Read 127 tweets
#KimChay AU | "oops"

Chay confesses his undying, one-sided love for Kim. On accident. Kinn is very supportive. Image
2. Bitch wrong account. Image
3. Slay. 💅 Image
Read 12 tweets
#KimChay {drabble} where prince Porchay gets a new bodyguard but the coincidence is a bitch and his new bodyguard is the same guy with whom Chay had a mind-blowing one-night stand a year ago...

tw: 🔞 sexual content
#KimChay 🔞
"So tight, babydoll," Kim groans into Chay's neck, pounding his c*ck in and out of Chay so fast that Chay can't do anything just moan Kim's name over and over again.

"Taking me so fucking many times are you going to dream about me, huh? +
#KimChay 🔞
Miss my c*ck that much, babydoll?"

Chay opens his eyes, his heart beats fast, "shit! It's been a fucking year, get a grip, Porchay!"

There aren't many things Chay regrets in his life but leaving that night after Kim fell asleep is definitely on the top of that +
Read 35 tweets
Chay loves Kim's smile. He adores it. It's the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. Chay does everything possible to make Kim smile every day. He swears to protect that smile for the rest of eternity. He can watch Kim smile for hours upon hours.

Chay quite possibly might be addicted. But he can’t help himself; Kim's smile is like the first droplet after the year without rain. It's like the first ray of sunshine after a storm. It's like a tight hug after a bad day. It's like a genuine 'I'm sorry' after a fight.+
It's like the first I love you or the first kiss. It's like sweet candy after you've been craving it the entire day. It's like a fluffy blanket you wrap around yourself after a tiring day and fall asleep. It's like the love from the person that means the most to you.
Read 32 tweets
"It's been empty since 1960's. At least one person vanishes inside of it every year. People keep hearing awful screams from there almost every night. They call the place The Asylum of Death. Are you ready, Porchay?"

Chay nods, "see you in the morning."

Chay opens the front door, its wooden frame creeks under the slightest bit of pressure. It’s surprising that the door are still there to begin with.

Chay takes a deep breath and turns on the camera. One night in here...that’s gonna be a piece of cake!

He walks deeper inside of the asylum, not even realizing that the front door closed themselves and the lock fell in its place.

It's night. The clock struck midnight just before Chay stepped in. He can barely see where he is going. The camera with night vision +
Read 29 tweets
#KimChay Kim vs. Wik

Chay takes out his keys and walks into Kim's apartment. He drops his school bag on the floor next to the sofa and walks towards their bedroom...

"You little devil! I told you not to walk all over my notes! They look as if you ate them now!"

+ Image
Chay smiles, Kim and Wik on a battlefield is one of his favourite things to witness...of course, he is never going to admit that to Kim.

When he walks in, the black kitten is sprawled all over Kim's precious notes, quite literally not giving a fuck about anything +
Kim is saying.

"I'm telling you one more time you little furry monster...move or I'm going to skin you alive and make a furry carpet for Tankhun!"

Chay laughs, "I'm strictly against any violence against animals in this household."

Kim gets out of bed and pulls +
Read 7 tweets
#KimChay AU

♡ Dark Innocence ♡

tw: 🔞 sexual content 🔞

"Have you heard? Porchay is dating Kimhan Theerapanyakul!"

"Yeah sure, where did you get such bullshit?" 

"No no, man, seriously! My sister saw them eating each other's faces behind the school yesterday."

+ ImageImage
"Well, thank god it was only the face they were eating…"

"Geez, Man, this is fucking serious, okay!? We've promised Porsche that we would take care of Chay and look…he is dating the worst possible person at uni now!"

"First of all, stop yelling at me! Second of all, I'm sure that Chay is going to pretty quickly realize that dating the leader of the most dangerous gang in town isn't exactly the walk through a flowery garden. They'll break up soon, don’t worry."

Read 63 tweets
"Have you ever loved me?" Chay asks, his voice is shaking.

For a moment Kim does nothing but then he says, "I'm sorry."

Kim is pushing Chay away and Chay is watching as the man he loves is turning his back on him.

No! Chay’s whole body screams. This is not how + Image
their story is going to end! Not today! Not ever!

"That’s it?" He shouts at Kim, "that'a all you gonna say? You are sorry? Sorry for what exactly? For not loving me? For pushing me away? For lying to me? For hurting me? Or for being a coward? Pick one!"

Chay can see Kim shaking his head, shoulders hanging low, but he is still not turning around.

"I'll ask you again, p'Kim. And before you answer think about what I want. I want you! In this fucked up world that I have to live in now I want to have YOU! The only person +
Read 10 tweets
[ #KimChay | post-canon | T ]

After the breakup, Porchay can’t play guitar or pop music anymore. It hurts too much. ImageImageImageImage
Not just that, even. Sometimes there are days when just scrolling through reels on social media or passing by groups of other students playing that kind of music is too much.

It’s said that the best way to get over someone is to remove their name from your vocabulary.
Well: let no one ever say that Porchay does things halfway.

The very first thing he does after receiving his second first-choice university acceptance in a row is delete all of his social media. It costs him some friends, sure, but he knows he’ll make new ones,
Read 121 tweets
A #KimChay au

Kimhan is a well-known playboy and cold as ice when treating others but when he is with Porchay— his sweet, genius, gentle, cute best friend. He becomes affectionate and obsessive, especially to the guy's lips whom he kisses every time he gets. ImageImageImageImage
- start -
Read 61 tweets

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